Beauty Tricks That Will Give Your Look A Boost

Are you in need of a beauty boost? Total Beauty's gathered together a
major list of things that you can do to give yourself a lift in the hair or makeup department. If you're craving change, this is the place to get it, and Total Beauty's making our lives easier.

Some of the "tips you've never tried" include:

*Battling dark circles by using an orange-y full-coverage concealer, just slightly more orange than your skin tone.

*Don't forget that the number of coats for your nail color can really change the way it looks: add extra-thick coats if your skin color is darker.

*Add mousse to curly hair before you blow dry to help keep curls in tip-top shape.

*Blend your blush into your foundation by first applying blush to still-wet foundation, and then using your used foundation brush to blend the edges and contour.

*If you have trouble with parting your hair in a spot it's not used to parting, blow-dry your hair straight back first, and then add the part where you'd like, like the middle or the side.

Check out the full list at Total Beauty! These are some great tips to start using in your day-to-day.

source: limelife

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