Results of implementing a centenarian lifestyle in America

The city is Albert Lee, Minnessota. They changed the environment of the city to make it easier for its citizens to lead a healthier lifestyle. They did numerous things to change the town:

1) They convinced restaurants in the town to offer healthier foods and smaller portions. Centenarians tend to eat less and eat mostly veggies.

2) They added more sidewalks and made it more convenient for individuals to walk. They even began a walking school bus, in which large groups of children lead by an adult could walk to school. This activity allowed the children to get some extra physical activity. Centenarians bike, walk and perform labor intensive jobs. Physical activity is a part of life in environments of Centenarians.

3) Created opportunities for individuals to volunteer. They also started a morning walking program where individuals met one another each day to socialize and partake in physical activity. Both of these things create a social network for individuals. Social networks are important for leading a happy and healthy life. The walking group also held each other accountable for making sure they get in their daily exercise.

4) Encouraged individuals to figure out their purpose in life. Having a sense of purpose gets you motivated each morning you wake up.

The results were:

After 10 months, the town had completed 2500 hours of community service and volunteering. Great things happen when we take the time to help others. The fact that so many hours of service was completed is amazing.

Activity levels increased by 40 % just by reconstructing the sidewalks to improve accessibility. Forty percent is a huge number for an increase in physical activity.

The individuals made many friendships as well. Loneliness is a detrimental state for someone to be in. It takes a toll on physical and mental health. Creating friendships keeps you happy and therefore healthier.

And with the walking program took 75 million steps. Any improvement in physical activity is great. We could all afford to walk a little more.

By doing these things they added 3.1 years to their life expectancy. And this was only after 10 months! There was also a 49% decrease in health care costs for city workers. Therefore, you can most likely deduct that individuals were healthier after these ten months. Lower health care costs saves money individually and for the community.

No study is ever perfect. However, there is clear evidence that changing your lifestyle to include more physical activity and take better care of yourself emotionally and mentally has a positive effect on health.

Take a look at your lifestyle and see where you can make little changes today. Even one positive change can make a large difference in the grand scheme of things. Take control of your health and reap the immediate and long term benefits.

SOURCE: chicagonow

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