Cause of low white blood cells in human body

A low white blood cell count in the body is called Leukopenia. A decrease in the peripheral white cell count may occur because of decreased numbers of any of the specific types of leukocytes, but most often it involves the neutrophils (neutropenia). For instances: leukemia, allergies, autoimmune diseases that attack bone marrow or white blood cells, drugs such as prednisone, chemotherapy, HIV/AIDS, influenza, sepsis, typhoid, dengue, tuberculosis, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, folate deficiencies and among others.

Treatment includes medications known as growth factors which consist of cytokines that stimulate the bone marrow to form more white cells. Drugs such as pegfilgrastim and filgrastim are usually prescribed as well as antibiotics and antimicrobial medications. If the cause of leukopenia is chemotherapy, the dose is reduced or delayed. A nutritious diet is also included.

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