Diet, exercise, sleep help boost immune system

Winter officially is here, and while for many people that conjures up images of hot chocolate and gently falling snow, pediatricians get a slightly different mental picture.

When I close my eyes, visions of sugarplums have been replaced by thoughts of fuzzy little viruses leaping from child to child in the form of green snot. Cold weather brings children inside, where they share germs and spread flu bugs, giving their immune systems a real workout.

The immune system is a complex network of blood cells, organs and chemical messengers that work together to defend the body from infection.

White blood cells, also known as leukocytes, are an integral part of the immune system. They circulate throughout the bloodstream and lymphatic vessels, responding to foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses. Specialized white cells attack and kill these invading organisms and in some cases produce antibodies that protect your child from developing a particular ailment again.

Since your child's immune system still is maturing, he tends to acquire infections more easily and frequently than an adult.

Studies have shown that the average 2-year-old in day care can have up to 12 infections a year. You can't prevent all illnesses, but there are ways that you can help boost your child's immune system to help him grow strong and fight disease.

Diet and nutrition play a key role in establishing and maintaining immune function.

Proteins (meat, eggs, beans, soy) serve as building blocks for white blood cells, while fruits and vegetables provide the vitamins needed to fuel the system.

A balanced diet with a variety of healthy foods is the best way to give your child the nutrients he needs, but for those times that you are faced with an extra-busy schedule or a picky eater, a multivitamin made for children can supply your child with an added boost.

Be careful when giving supplements, however, because certain vitamins and minerals can be harmful for children when taken at high doses.

One of the best things you can do for your child to boost his immunity is to ensure that he gets an adequate amount of sleep.

Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can adversely affect immune function.

Also, as any mother can tell you, a sleepy child is often a cranky child, and that isn't healthy for anybody in the house!

Regular physical exercise also has been shown to generate positive changes within the immune system and enhance immunity over the long term. Your child doesn't have to be a star athlete to see results, and even getting off the couch to take a walk has been shown to have immune benefits. The whole family can participate and reap the health rewards.

You may not want your child to share drinks or cough in your face when he is sick, but it isn't necessarily a good idea to keep him in a bubble all the time either.

Research shows that some types of exposure to germs actually can be good for children and teach their immune system to modulate a response more effectively. This is excellent news for those of us who have less-than-perfect housekeeping skills.

As the old saying goes, an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

This is still good advice, and if you add a good night's sleep and a brisk walk around the block to the mix, you might catch a break and not see your pediatrician all winter.

Trust me, we won't be offended.

source: btop.courierpress

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