Living a Healthy Life Helps Your Budget

The FINANCIAL -- 60-70% of the people visiting fitness centres in Tbilisi are doing it because of problems with their weight, a statistic according to Prime Fitness, Aura Plus and Curves Georgia, popular fitness centres in Tbilisi . Spine problems and post-pregnancy rehabilitation are other common reasons that lead people to exercise.

Obesity is now a bigger overall threat to people’s health than smoking, according to results of the longest ongoing health study of adults in the United States. Obesity causes as much or more disease than tobacco which includes 4,000 poisonous substances, says the study conducted by researchers from Columbia University and the City College of New York.

Obesity is a growing problem around the world, and has tripled since 1980 in some areas of North America, the United Kingdom, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, the Pacific Islands, Australasia and China. Progress made in combating obesity among young people was debated in the House of Lords last week.

Can governments really legislate a svelte population? German newspaper Der Spiegel raises the question: “A number of governments in Europe, concerned about the growing waistlines of their citizens, seem to think so. Study says proposed tax, one cent per ounce, should decrease consumption. The Spanish Government wants to ban excessive trans fats, Denmark will soon be taxing sweets and in Romania, Health Minister Attila Cseke has said he would like to see a tax on unhealthy food. In Germany, too, there are some in Berlin who would like to see a government offensive against girth. In a Monday interview with the Rheinische Post, Green Party floor leader Renate Künast wants to ban advertising for sweets aimed at children”.

“The effects of being overweight lead to heart-blood-vein disease, dysfunction of the food processing system, depression and other psychological problems,” says Giorgi Cisani, instructor of a non-traditional medicine therapist-fitness and fighting method. Cisani is the daily host of a morning exercise show on Public TV.

“There are several issues one should consider while leading a healthy life such as: healthy thinking, healthy eating, correct breathing, staying physically active and praying,” says Cisani.

“There is quite a noticeable difference between people who are constantly doing exercises and those who do not. Those who exercise are more energetic and are more productive at work, at which time the mind becomes more creative. It has been scientifically proven that the more energy we use, the more one’s organs produce which in turn help us in optimizing performance and gives us the opportunity to manage more tasks,” says Cisani.

What is the right weight for different heights?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is the formula that doctors use to estimate how much body fat a person has based on his/her weight and height. The calculation of one’s BMI is quite simple: divide your weight in kilograms by the square of your height in metres.

Check the answers: underweight = <18.5, normal weight = 18.5-24.9, overweight = 25-29.9, obesity = BMI of 30 or greater.

Moreover people who are an apple shape (they store fat around their midriff) are far more likely to develop heart disease and diabetes than those who are a pear shape.

A waist circumference is the best method for evaluating health, if the waist is greater than 80cm for women and 94cm for men, this indicates increased risk, while a measurement of more than 88cm for women and 102cm for men is particularly worrying.

If a person maintains a healthy lifestyle, he/she will make fewer visits to the doctor. This means purchasing a less extensive healthcare plan - one that fits both needs and budget. The most effective time for running and physical exercises is evening time, 3-4 hours before sleep, in the morning it is recommended to do meditation and breathing exercises.

“As for those people who do not exercise they are more at risk of depression and several other diseases. Moreover they usually spend more money and time healing themselves from diseases and infections than those who dedicate a significant amount of their time to exercising. So it is not surprising for me that the pharmaceutical business is booming in Georgia and is one of the most profitable and developing business,” Cisani says.

To lead a healthy life one will need on average 50 USD to visit a fitness centre every month or to buy fitness equipment from 100 USD. Otherwise one can simply visit Turtle Lake, a popular location in Tbilisi , on the northern part of Mtatsminda, 686.7 metres above sea level, and jog or walk there for free.

Jogging in the fresh air for 30-45 minutes a day helps one’s breathing and improves muscle tone which is best for weight correction as almost 90% of the body is in action which gives a perfect outcome for substance change.

Regular Check-ups

Regular medical check-ups will pick up any potential problems, allowing you to take steps in either preventing them or beginning early treatment.

“Check-ups play a significant role in discovering diseases at an early stage which leads to more effective curing. For different age groups the period is different, moreover it depends on the health of the person, on their genes and the sphere of the person’s work,” says Nino Vardidze, assistant to Aversi Clinic General Director.

It is recommended that people under the age of 49 have full-body check-ups once every three years, and for those above the age of 50 - once a year. Those in the high-risk segment of the population need on average 2-3 visits per year.

Aversi Clinic offers several procedures for prevention checks. On average you need 155 GEL for most procedures.

“It is recommended to have the following check-ups: a therapeutic consultation (35 GEL), blood analyses (14 GEL), determining lipid change (25 GEL), Electro cardiograph (45 GEL), x-ray and an echoscope of the abdominal cavity (35 GEL),” says Vardidze.

How Much Does Fitness Cost?

A treadmill costs on average 767-3,368 GEL, exercise bike - 421-1,519 GEL, exercise chair - 174-455 GEL, and multi-functional equipment - 687-1,088 GEL.

“Cardio equipment such as a treadmill and exercise bike help us to regulate the heart’s beating and in general strengthen one’s health. Multi functional equipment is used for physical strength, to bring the body into a sporty condition and to strengthen muscles,” says Paata Bakuradze, the marketing manager of Master Sport.

Curves Georgia, located on Mtskheta Str. offers clients a 30 minute programme for health and weight management: lose weight, preserve health and weight elasticity. The maximum price per month is 57 USD.

Aura Plus located on Abashidze Str. has different programmes for weight loss, scoliosis, height increase, neck curvature, flat feet, exercise classes and general well-being.

There are a number of different programmes available, including: health monitoring (390 GEL per month), family package (mother, father, child) (900 GEL per month), weight loss and contouring (463 GEL per month), spine rehabilitation (385 GEL per month), programme for adults (360 GEL per 2 months) and yoga (100 GEL per month).

Prime Fitness offers different programmes in aerobics, aqua aerobics, yoga, massage, steam and sauna, weight loss and body-correction. Prices start from 80 GEL and go up to 420 GEL. It also offers swimming lessons and tennis. The monthly payment for aqua aerobics is 120 GEL (8 visits per month), individual swimming lessons - 190 GEL per month, in groups - 130 GEL. People who like tennis can become members of the Prime Fitness tennis court for a monthly payment of 100 GEL; this includes visiting the court 10 times a month for 2 hours. Moreover, the tennis court can be rented for 20 GEL an hour.

source: finchannel

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