Possible Cause of Adult Enuresis (Bed Wetting)

Adult enuresis or bed wetting is involuntary passing of urine during the night. It affects millions of people throughout the developed world. There are various conditions that can lead to adult enuresis.

It can be a very embarrassing and discomforting experience, and may often lead to feeling of shame or loss of control in the person experiencing it. Most of the time sufferers try to hide the symptoms, and this can affect their emotional state and their ability to form a lasting relationships, as they try to conceal their problem and may not, for example, wishing to share a bed with others.

Possible causes of adult enuresis:

Aging. As people age, their muscle mass decreases and their brain slows down. The aging process affects parasympathetic system, the involuntary movement that our subconscious controls like breathing. Aging decreases urinary control of adults.

Obstruction and infection. Obstruction like inflammation or tumor in lower urinary tract can cause pressure eliciting a feeling to void especially at night. UTI or urinary tract infections can also cause urinary inconsistencies.

Medication. Medications like diuretics can increase urinary frequency. This type of drug causes voiding large amount of fluids. Taking diuretics in the afternoon can cause nocturnal enuresis.

Anti diuretic hormone. The ADH hormone is one of hormones that affect fluid volume in our body. Vasopressin which is the other term controls the excretion of water by the kidney. It is secreted by the posterior pituitary gland. Problems with this gland can cause enuresis.

Diet. Excessive fluid intake before sleeping can really make an adult prone to bedwetting. Avoid drinking coffee and tea before night time. These drinks are diuretics they will give you the urge to void during sleep. Lessen drinking alcohol. Alcohol weakens bladder control especially during high intoxications.

Psychological stress. Nocturnal enuresis can be related to a suppression emotions or personal related problems. Consult a medical doctor on ways how to release this stress. It maybe sport activities or relaxing exercises like listening to soothing music.

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