Tips for picking a pediatrician for your child

Parents face a large number of choices, but here are some tips to help you decide.

Few issues are quite as befuddling as picking a pediatrician.

The American Academy of Pediatrics lists 129 members in the Jacksonville area, and those are just the ones who are part of the organization.

Then there's the significance of the decision itself. You aren't just choosing a doctor. This is the person to whom you will confess your greatest parenting failures, probably in the middle of the night. You would like the ear on the other end of the line to be sympathetic.

What can be most frustrating is the lack of transparency.

There are some ways you can check up on a pediatrician, but when it comes to publicly available information, you can learn a lot more about a restaurant than a doctor.

In the Internet Age, it sounds old-fashioned to start your search anywhere but on a search engine. But just about every parenting expert recommends you begin by asking your friends, neighbors and co-workers - anyone you trust - for suggestions.

Once you have a list, set up appointments to visit the pediatricians where they work: their offices.

Mary Soha, a pediatrician with offices in Jacksonville and the Nocatee area of St. Johns County, said it's especially important to observe how the office operates during the day. Does it seem overscheduled? Is it clean? Is it in a safe location?

"If you don't feel comfortable, my advice to parents is don't second-guess yourself," Soha said.

Any uncertainties can be cleared up with a question. What's the doctor's philosophy on breastfeeding? Does the office accept your health insurance? Prepare a list of questions ahead of time.

"You'll either get an answer that satisfies you and takes away that little misunderstanding that may have occurred, or it may validate that this isn't the right place for me," Soha said.

Expectant parents shouldn't wait too long to settle on a pediatrician. Start looking some time between the 20th and 25th week of pregnancy, experts say.

"That seems early, but some babies are born early," said Mandarin pediatrician Gary Soud.

Prenatal consults may vary from practice to practice. Some may charge parents for the doctor's time. Others, usually larger ones, may schedule you on a group tour with other parents.

Give some consideration to the type of practice your pediatrician works under. Some pediatricians practice medicine on their own; they may be assisted by a registered nurse or have office help, but they are solo practitioners. One of the advantages is that you don't have to worry about which doctor you'll see, even in emergencies.

Many doctors in recent years, though, have banded together to help defray some of their overhead costs and to take some of the pressure off their schedules. In most group practices, you can still see one physician over and over, if you like. Some people, though, may like to rotate among doctors to ensure they get a variety of perspectives on their child's health.

Once you have a few doctors in mind, it's a good idea to sift through the information they're required to provide about their backgrounds. The Florida Department of Health operates a Web site under its medical-quality assurance program - - that allows consumers to peer into their practitioner's past.

The site, among other things, shows whether your doctor is properly licensed or has been reprimanded by a state medical board or in a legal proceeding. You can see how long pediatricians have been in practice by looking at when their licenses were issued. Some people want an experienced hand holding the stethoscope.

The Web page also displays what, if any, hospitals the doctor holds privileges with. If you prefer that your child sees the same doctor, even in the hospital, this factor could be the difference between one pediatrician over another.

Soud, for his part, has privileges at Wolfson Children's Hospital, Baptist South and St. Luke's Hospital. He says the bar for obtaining privileges is higher than for getting a medical license with the state. So, he asserts, doctors who make rounds in hospitals may be sharper.

By the same token, many pediatricians burnish their curricula vitae or resume by getting certified by the American Board of Pediatrics. The organization offers a search feature on its Web page,, that allows you to verify whether your pediatrician is one of them.

One last piece of advice for new parents: If picking a pediatrician seems hard, take heart. The truly difficult part is just ahead.

You know, keeping your newborn alive between doctor's visits.

SOURCE: jacksonville

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