What is in your Water?

Every few years the Environmental Protection agency releases the results of its City with the Best Tasting Tap Water contest. The last winner, in 2007, was St. Louis, Mo.

As far as water is concerned, it is the most important functional element on our planet. Both our bodies and the surface of our planet are made up mostly of water. It is an essential for growing plants and staying clean. But what sort of benefits does water have for our health?

Whether or not we purchase drinking water filter systems, water has the amazing ability to regulate quite a few of our internal systems.

It is rumored that drinking water after a meal slows down the digestion process; this is not true. In reality, water and other fluids inside the body break down food in order to get the most vitamins and nutrients out of it. Water will also help flush away any toxins or chemicals in food, and help in avoiding constipation.

Staying Energized
Studies have shown that most people lose about 10 cups of water per day just through breathing, sweating and using the bathroom. Without knowing it, we can easily get minor dehydration, which lowers our energy levels and slows concentration. Because the human brain is about 85 percent water, it needs proper hydration for optimal performance. This is a major reason many schools encourage students to have a bottle of water at their desk when studying.

Circulation & Metabolism
We need oxygen to thrive, and water can supply that for our bloodstream. The more oxygen we have in our blood, the smoother it can flow through our bodies. Plus, higher levels of oxygen in our blood will cause us to burn more fat for energy.
When we consume calories, they can either be burned or stored. Drinking water will increase your metabolism and make your body burn more calories instead of storing them as fat.

Lubricating Joints & Muscles
Cramps and sore joints are often a symptom of dehydration. Because our bodies also rely on water for lubrication of our joints, drinking lots of water will keep us moving much longer through the later stages of life. So drinking water before, during, and after exercise will also help reduce fatigue and cramping muscles.

Body Temperature Regulation
When we exercise, we lose a lot of our water through sweating. While the commercials on TV encourage us to consume drinks with sugar or carbohydrates, just plain water is the best way to keep your body temperature down. When we drink just plain water, our body absorbs more of it than drinks containing carbohydrates or sugar, because they absorb the water before our bodies can.

Staying Healthy
As the saying goes, when we're sick, we have to "drink plenty of fluids." And that is the truth. Water helps as a tool to flush out toxins in our bodies, helps reduce fever, and replaces liquid we may have lost through vomiting. It keeps our bodies clean so that we can recover more quickly from whatever ails us.

If you are currently experiencing problems with concentration, movement, or mild headaches or other pain, it may be a sign of dehydration. Water is the most easily accessible--and probably cheapest--drink we have access to. It is important to always have at least eight ounces of water every day (though more definitely wouldn't hurt) in order to stay healthy and strong to get through every day of your life.

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