Positive energy sweels from acknowledgment

health tips
Why You Should Acknowledge Someone Daily?

Now I’m going to give you a tip that’s easy to do and that will not only make you feel better and more energized, but will also make the people around you feel better. You’ll be giving a gift that doesn’t cost anything, and it’s something that every single person on the planet wants.

You’re intrigued? Great. Here it is:

Acknowledge someone. Every single day. After year of working with thousand of people, I really believe that underneath it all – the defense mechanisms, the rudeness, the unproductive or self-destructive behavior – the vast majority of people just want to make a difference in life. And they want to be recognized, appreciated, and acknowledged.

When you tell people that you appreciate them – whether it’s because of their kindness, sense of humor, or problem – solving ability – I’d be willing to bet that every cell in their body experiences a different energy, and you can clearly read the effect of your words on their faces.


An acknowledgment is a simple statement of someone’s value. It’s a way of telling someone how he or she has made a difference to you. It doesn’t have to be anything major, such as, ‘Thanks for pulling me out of that burning building. I really appreciate that you saved my life”.

It might be as simple as “Thanks for being so patient with me. I know you were under a lot of stress, and I rally appreciate that you took the time to help me out”, or, “I really admire how kind you are, even to strangers, including that new waitress we had last night”.

Now you might think that the only beneficiary of your words I the person you acknowledge, but you’d be wrong. That person’s definitely going to get something out of it, no doubt about it, but the other person who benefits is you. Believe me, every time you put out a kind, generous, or gracious word or deed, it reverberates throughout you body, sending positive energy into every cell.

So every single day acknowledge someone for something. The positive energy you give will be energizing, both to the person who receives it and – guaranteed – to you.

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