Home remedies to heal sunburn

Sunburn results from too much sun or sun-equivalent exposure. Almost everyone has been sunburned or will become sunburned at some time. Anyone who visits a beach, goes fishing, works in the yard, or simply is out in the sun can get sunburned. Improper tanning bed use is also a source of sunburn. Although seldom fatal, severe sunburn or sun poisoning can be disabling and cause quite a bit of discomfort.

Here are some natural tips to heal sunburn

1. Lime juice, added to a little milk, is a good remedy against sunburn

2. For sunburns, mix two teaspoons of tomato juice with four tablespoon of buttermilk. Spread on the affected area and leave for half an hour. Wash off

3. Pamper your skin with an application of vitamin D ointment

4. Use olive oil or peanut oil for relief from sunburn.

5. Grate and squeeze a cucumber. Spread the seeds and juice over the sunburn area

6. Make an antisunburn lotion. Whisk an egg white, transfer contents into a pan and simmer on a low fire till it thickeners.

7. Add the juice of one lemon. Apply the sunburn and do not wash off

8. use whey on the sunburn skin

9. Yoghurt with honey helps to cool and promote healing.

1. Add a little rose water to lemon juice. Apply on the face overnight. Wash in the morning.

2. Soak a cotton pad in buttermilk and apply. This is good remedy to remove suntan

3. Combine equal quantities of olive oil and vinegar. Apply and keep ir for at least two hours before bath

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