This is also called cerebral hyperemia/brain - fag. In this condition, the blood contained in the cerebral vessels is either of defective quality or is deficient in quality.
Patient is weak, pale and anemic, has disposition to sleep, pulse is weak and small; headache is of neuralgic type and is confined primarily to vertex and forehead. His pupils are dilated, has anemic murmurs. He feels relieved in horizontal position and by administration of alcohol.
Aforesaid symptoms are at complete variance with those existing in cerebral hyperemia; hence there is no occasion for confusion.
All the symptoms stem from insufficient supply of blood to the brain which can be seen by suppressing the breathing by diminishing the supply by compression of the carotid arteries. If the disease is caused by poor or impoverished condition of the blood, the nutrition of the brain suffers due to paucity or deficiency of R.B.C.S that are the carriers of oxygen. In such cases, the effects are similar to that which result from deficiency in quality of blood, but the only visible symptom being that symptoms surface gradually, instead of developing suddenly.
Let us say that anemia lies at the base of this disorder for which China, Picric Acid, Ferrum Phos will serve the purpose. When feeble action of heart is the cause, digitalis will prove useful. In the vasomotor form of cerebral anaemia, Amyl Nitrate, Amyl Brom (3X), Glonoin and Picric Acid can benefit. Phosphorus and Nux Vomica are more useful in Chronic stage of the disease. If there is Vertigo, Baryta Carb, Lyco, Graphites, silica, Fluoric Acid will prove beneficial.
Dr. Hale recommends Atropine as an efficacious remedy in case of advance typhoid, especially when there is insomnia and general prostration, tongue very dry, coma vigil, incoherent mumbling. But Dr. C.P. Hart finds Picric Acid a still better remedy as compared to Atropline
Ignatia : Hysterical, weak persons; especially women who have been rendered anemic through grief and/or mental anxiety, are nervous, taciturn, seek solitude and remain sad (melancholy); frequently give way to tears; suffer from excessive milk; weak constitution; have sniking sensation at the pit of the stomach. Effects of sudden shocking news, death of some loved one.
China : For anemic conditions, this remedy tops the list and is of unquestioned value when the. disease is caused by bleeding from any opening (orifice) of the body; when there is excessive loss of animal fluids, leucorrhea, diarrhoea, Spermatorrhoea, and over lactation. It will show its best results when drain on the body has been arrested. It responds also to headache (especially in the morning), pale appearance of face, cold face, and extremities, debility of great magnitude, palpitation; trembling and tingling or twitching of limbs and muscles, faintness, (relieved by lying down), vertigo (especially on raising the head), insomnia, and poor quality of blood.
Arsenic Album: This suits best who are not filthy (as opposed to sulphur), but are choosy and sophisticated, do not like disorder, are neat and clean. Useful when Ferrum Phos is used excessively and imprudently, blood has become watery/ depraved (weak)- may be due to malaria, chlorosis (green sickness) and quinine. Emaciation and great sneaking of (Vital) forces, cold extremities and prostration, restlessness, thirst for small quantities of water, bloating efface, hands and feet, vertigo with vanishing of the senses, mental depression, chilliness.
Ferrum Phos : Bellow-like sound of the heart, headache of beating nature, low R.B.C.S, even slight exertion results in exhaustion and breathlessness. Muscles weak and flabby; passive bleedings and chlorosis. Dr Boericke orders 3x potency to increase R.B.C.S in the blood.
Nux Vomica : Suits best the gents who use too much of tobacco, alcohol, fatty and spicy diets, keep awake at night, are debauches, are anemic due to over-work and exertion, overstimulation by artificial means. Gastric irritation, constipation and indigestion, or else loose motions, nausea and vomiting with frequent eructation’s of sour-smelling food/fluids, muscular twitching, frequent cramps, trembling of hands; suited to professional people and students.
Zincum Met : More suited to old/chronic cases, especially if abuse of Pot.(Kali) Bromide be the cause. Great physical and mental depression, cold extremities, Paralytic weakness along with twitching of the muscles; after writing, reading, study and overwork, the forehead aches; loss of memory; restively at night with frightening and horrible dreams.
Sulphur: It is both a prophylactive and curative, especially when symptoms are masked and oblique, and also when even well selected remedies fail to produce expected results. Useful in chronic, phlegmatic, scrofulous, dirty; filthy and sloth people who do not wish or attempt to do any physical activity eruptions or, dry when the eruptions get suppressed. It can be used as an intercurrent remedy and also to arouse phagocytes (That is R.B.C.S or defence mechanism of the body).
Camphor: Coldness of body, greatly embarrassed circulation and respiration; spasms and convulsions; synovial form when rapid loss of vital fluids is the cause or, loss of consciousness, vertigo. It is a short-acting transition remedy but is very useful in combating crisis situation, in treating urinary symptoms, especially if caused by cholera, dirrhoea etc.
Veratrum Album: Useful in acute cases worsened by violent purging, attended with spasms, convulsions and fainting— accompanied or followed by paralytic weakness. An excellent remedy for run-down conditions.
Auxiliary Treatment: Serve milk, eggs, fish, oysters and vegetables like beats, spinach and carrots and other leafy vegetables; and fruits like mangoes, pomegranates, Grapes etc. Fresh air and moderate exercise, massage with essential oils, salt baths, sea-bathing - but take proper precautions regarding patient's health condition, status and stage of disease.
It is also called common Palsy/Paralysis of cerebral origin. The disorder is characterized by loss of the power of voluntarily exciting of muscles of one side of the body, caused by some brain disorder. Here one side is affected more than the other. Paralysis is limited to only those parts that are supplied by specific plexuses and nerves, but cerebral symptoms are generally Choose any of the medicines that meets bulk of symptoms.
These medicines will improve the situation, if not fully cure the malady.
Chamomilla : Hesitancy of speech, stammering, very absent-minded and forgetful : While speaking or writing skips/ omits words; mental vacuum, and dull comprehension.
Arnica : Paralysis of Vocal cords, feeling as if brain is aching and bruised, aphasia related symptoms surface after cerebral bleeding. Patient has stertorous, breathing.
Stramonium : Mind greatly fatigued, intellect confused, talks at random, there is congestion of brain, pupils contracted, near blindness, paralysis of organs speech, stuttering, insensibility . of all senses, loss of memory; unconsciousness.
Baryta Carb : Unable to recollect names of things and individuals, memory fails when words and names are attempted to be recollected, dullness of all senses and mind.
Conium : Confusion of mind with loss of words, uses wrong words while articulating, cannot understand what he is reading; speech difficult, hesitant, loss of entire power of speech, somnolence resulting in stupefaction, loss of memory.
L-"Hesis : Great weakness of (recollective) memory; confuses dates/numbers, makes mistakes while writing, dull comprehension; loses sense of words, unable to understand what he reads />r hears; absence of thoughts.
Causticum : Unable to think succinctly on any subject; congestion of brain and absent-mindedness, great weakness of memory; head feels dull and heavy, extremely erratic and forgetful of names and words.
Other remedies are Phosphorus, Glonoine, Kali lod, Colchicum, Oleander, Anacardium, Pulsatilla, Merc. Sol, Nux Vomica, Hepar Sulph are more indicated in apoplectic symptoms/ conditions.
When the patient is absent-minded and forgetful, try Phos.Acid, Alumina, Platina, Cocculus, Bovista and Hyocyamus. shock or loss, some family, social or job-related problem, lack of adjustment and self-management, are some of the causes which may, in majority of the persons, lead to neurasthenia which is simply an off-shoot of the said and many other factors.
Neurasthenia is a form of Nervous debility, Nervous-exhaustion, cerehro-spinal anaemia or even Brain-fag which are simply other nomeclations of the subject disorder.
It is a functional disorder that affects not only entire nervous system, but also the body as a whole. The symptoms are constantly changing - one giving way to the other, appear and disappear quite suddenly, thus giving a masked and oblique picture of symptoms which, at times, cause a lot of confusion; hence almost difficult to discern. There is hardly any person who can ciaim with confidence that he never had suffered from this malady.
• Heredity - it is the most frequent and exciting cause.
• Exhaustion of vital forces.
• Hypersensitivity and inability to withstand ups and downs of life and resultant events/consequences.
Habitual and regular Drug use, Alcoholism, tobacco use in any form.
Some chronic ailments of one’s own self, some family member or a friend.
Poor diet - bereft of essential nutrients. Excessive use of spices, condiments, meats, poultry products.
Digestion and liver-related problems for which dietary indiscretion and use of stimulants and narcotics is a main factor.
Family problems and inadequate income-not sufficient enough to meet even to let the both ends meet.
Job dissatisfaction, nagging by seniors and defiant and non-co-operative attitude of the subordinates.
Incompatible marriage, where the wife comes from a far richer family, is more beautiful, earns more than her husband, nagging wife. This is also equally true in the case of ladies also who, too, have to face the similar odd time and situations.
Sexual illiteracy and sexual incompetence or incompatibility. Most of the marriages prove dismal failures when either of the partners is sex recluse, frigid or 'Cold', or when sex urge of one partner is so voluptuous and uncontrollable that the other partner is not able to match the velocity of his/her mate. It may be noted that, 'if your sex-life is happy and satisfactory, all else would be in order and, if it is the other way round, nothing else can be in order.' Sexual perversities which the other partner abhors/ dislikes are sufficient means to result in sex withdrawal or hatred.
Extramarital relations, bad habits, late night revelleries, drinking, smoking, foul odour, drive the other partner away and the offended (or say aggrieved) person is obliged to seek sex satisfaction with someone else, at some other place.
Uncompromising, sticky, obsessive and unrelenting attitude, when decisions are forced upon others and no importance is accorded to other person's sentiments.
Here, the other person suffers.
Over-exertion and heavy work-load, when no credit is given for a good work performed.
Lack of sleep and proper restless of job, some dear and near one, property income or gain.
Terrible worry, hurry and scurry of life, when reasonable comfort and mental and physical relaxations are sacrificed for the sake of earning easy & quick money or fame, or even approbation.
Some temporary/permanent physical infirmity
Lack/absence of a sincere, sympathetic and receptive confident
Too much brooding over certain events in life which defy any instant or distant solution
Fear of any kind.
Apprehension about imaginary happenings/losses
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