Cerebral Anaemia: Key Causes, Symptoms & Homeopathic Treatment

Cerebral Anaemia is means due to insufficient amount of blood circulating in the capillaries.

Amongst the symptoms can be counted mental and physical. First of all, it is not necessary to get bogged down by academic qualifications attributed to the symptoms (also called 'legions') which, generally appear concurrently, but rarely severally. In most of the cases, symptoms are found jumbled, but can be discerned by physical and mental conditions of the patient. Undermentioned symptoms may be observed in a neurasthenic patient

* Inability to perform even normal (routine) chores which were quite easy to perform earlier.

* Inability to concentrate mind on one subject, not even me ones that directly affect him.

* Disinclination to perform any physical labor or mental work - a sort of disinterest and apathy to either or both.

* Frequent and sudden changes in mood which are irritable and excitable.

* Emotional, temperamental and behavioral agitation and irritability.

* Always angry, peevish or else brooding and submissive, but is generally unrelenting and quarrelsome and uncompromising and doesn't relish, entertain or
listen to even same advice, and takes everything as an amiss.

* Sleep is the main casualty - it is disturbed or lacking, unrefreshing and fatiguing. The patient remains awake during first part of night or else sleeps in that part and remains awake for rest of the period. During the daytime, he is abnormally drowsy, sloth and inactive. When he gets up, his head aches and is heavy. There may also be sour/bitter acidic eructation’s, gas, pain in. Stomach, rumblings, constipation and general lassitude and restively.

* There is pressing pain on the vertex, along with burning in the occipital & down the spine,

* Hearing disorders, like humming and buzzing ears, precipitated by different noises, roaring and distant noises. Vertigo may also surface due to hearing problems.

* Sight is also affected abnormally when there is unnatural mobility of pupils which readily react to light, but are sluggish to certain accommodative defects.

* In certain patients nausea and/or vomiting of ingest is also present which is a direct outcome of defective digestion,.

* There are pains and aches in bones and muscles, a feeling of tiredness and of not being well or normal. Numbness, along with fornication, in a single or all parts

* Feeling of a run-down condition, of being out of sorts.

* Among the vasomotor symptoms, sweating and blushing are more prominent.

* Sexual dysfunction, reclusion/withdrawal, or the desire may be fully lost or else excessive. Erections may be rare but premature ejaculation often results. Sex organs are flabby, cold and relaxed, so to say. If there is extreme sexual disturbance, it may also result in fear, suicidal tendency, and fear of all sorts. The patient feels unsecure, neglected and despised.

* There may be hot flushes or cold chills - indicating thermic disturbances.

Pure and uncomplicated can be managed and cured without much difficulty but those having some 'habits', are not so easy to cure. Moreover, neurasthemic states cannot be easily discerned from hysteria, insanity, sexual perversions and deviations, effects of addictions and diehard and in-build habits. But, it can be easily differentiated from other diseases of Nervous system, ataxia, brain tumors, digestive disorders, liver disorders. As for cardiac disorders, the totality of symptoms doesn't afford much chance to single out the contributory cause(s). The physician can help the patient to a limited extent only, provided the patient is Honest and forthright in his disclosures. An adamant and reluctant patient is difficult to cure, due to his negative approach to almost every aspect of life. A patient, with reserved disposition, is still more a dilemma for the doctor. In all introvert cases, hypnotherapy can solve most of the complex cases, when physician has full control over the patient. But the million dollar question still remains - will the patient visit a hypnotic centre a physician, of his own or follow and submit to sincere counsel?

Neurasthenia is a top ranking symptom of this drug. Symptoms include diminished sexual power, Nocturnal emissions, utter prostration after coition, entire nervous system is under agitation, stress and strain; anxiety, nervous dread, lethargy, extreme lassitude and depression, indisposition to meet people, hysteria, brain-fag, highly irritated, Loss of memory night terrors, somnabulance (sleep walk), loss of memory, even slightest labour seems a heavy task, startles easily, disunclined to talk or enter into any conversation, great despondency about work/business; shyness.

Mental depression and palpitation and anxiety of the heart, general nervous debility, sleeplessness, inclined to move about or work, Nervous weakness causes fainting spells, abdomen distended, sleeplessness, constipation, Nervous debility causes oppressed breathing, cold limbs.

Loss of vital fluids, weakness and trembling of lower limbs, extremities cold, Nervous trembling, Mental/Physical exertion adds to woes of the patient, severe and exhausting illness causes Neurasthenia.

It is excellent restorative of worn-out and wasted nervous system, even least physical or mental exertion suffices to exhaust and cause headache to the patient, useful in brain fag of students, persons; nervosity and agitation due to sexual excesses.

Noctural emissions followed by utter prostration, loss of vital fluids, onanism, excessive sexual indulgence causes nervous exhaustion, loss of memory, backache and headache, nocturnal emissions are followed by utter prostration, inability to perform any physical/mental labour.

Useful to women who are worn-out, exhausted, worried due to cares and worries of household and also business/professional persons; lack of power of nerve force causes coldness of various body organs; cerebrasthenia. Other remedies recommended are : Zincum Brom, Argent Met, Ignatia, Zincum Phos, Physostigma, Nux Vomica, Arsenic, Calcarea Phos, Strychnia Phos which can be tried according to symptoms.

- Complete mental and physical rest.
- Massage of whole body, but more so on head, neck, shoulders, hands and feet.
- Balanced and Nutritious diet, Walnut, watermelon and musk melon seeds, coconut water, milk, fruit, and vegetable juices etc.
- Change of environs-preferably shifting to some calm, serene, greenish area.
- Stroll on grass and dew drops.
- Avoid tea, coffee, cocoa, alcohol, tobacco, drugs,
- Remaining engaged in some interesting, absorbing and off-beat entertainment/activity.
- Lukewarm/water bath, at least an hour before retiring to bed and also dip feet in lukewarm water at bed time.
- Light and sustainable physical activity - like outside (out door) sports, yoga and meditation, especially shavaasana (corpose pose), deep contemplation, self-introspection.
- Not entering into useless and offending dialogues and conversation.

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