Watercress herb for mental health

The watercress is a perennial, aquatic herb, with hollow angular stems, and many branches. It has dark green, shining leaves divided into several leaflets. It has a pleasant and pungent flavor and is used in salads.

The Greeks regarded watercress as a psychic stimulant and the Romans used with vinegar as a remedy for mental disorders. Old English physicians recommended its use as a remedy for headaches and biliousness.

Watercress is a native of Europe. It is widely distributed in a wild state in Great Britain, South and Central Europe and Western Asia. This plant is now cultivated in Malaysia, Indonesia, Hawaii, West Indies and East Africa and grows in the Himalayas.

Water cress contains all the essential vitamins and is rich in alkaline elements. An analysis of this vegetable shows it to consist of moisture, protein, fat and carbohydrates. Its mineral and vitamin contents are calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium and vitamin A and C, thiamine, riboflavin and niacin. Its calorific value is 19. The herb is also contains nicotinamide, a glucose, gluconasturtin and a volatile oil.

Healing Power and Curative Properties
Watercress has cooling effect on the body and, aids digestion. Hippocrates described it as a stimulant and expectorant.

As a rich source of iron, watercress is beneficial in the treatment of anemia. A cup of its fresh juice with a teaspoon of lime juice and a pinch of common salt can be taken every morning in the treatment of this condition.

The herb is considered as an excellent food remedy for chest troubles. It has been found effective in treating asthma and cough as it facilitates expectoration.

Disorders of the thyroid gland
Watercress is one of the best sources of iodine which is very important to correct the functioning of the thyroid gland. Its regular use is highly beneficial in the prevention and treatment of thyroid gland disorders.

A combined juice of watercress, carrot, spinach and turnip leaves is effective in dissolving the coagulated blood fiber in piles. About a liter of this if taken daily, it cure this condition within 2 to 6 months. However, all white flour, sugar products, meat have to be eliminated from the diet.

Skin Disorders
A paste made from seeds and water, can be applied in skin diseases caused by impurities of blood, bruised seeds, mixed with lime juice and spread on linen, can be applied with beneficial results in case of internal inflammation and rheumatic pains. The seed is also effective as a rubefacient a pain relive ointment.

The Juice extracted from watercress is exceedingly rich in sulphur which represents more than one third of all the other combined mineral elements and salts present in it. It is however very powerful intestinal cleanser. It should, therefore never be taken by itself but always in combination with other juices.

Other uses
Dietary Deficiencies: Dr. Harold Scurfield, am eminent British physician has advocated use of watercress among urbanites on the plea than it probably contains all the vitamins which are likely to compensate dietary deficiencies caused by urbanization.

Watercress is good for malnutrition Copeman, Formerly of the Ministry of Health in England, says in many instances excellent results especially in case of ill nourished children have been found to follow on the addition of water cress to their ordinary food.

Pregnancy and Lactation
The use of watercress is very beneficial during pregnancy and lactation. An invigoration and nutritious tonic is prepared by boiling the seeds in milk to get a thin soft mass and adding sugar or jaggery to it. This tonic removes the imminent general debility during pregnancy. It also increases the secretion of milk in nursing mothers.

An emulsion made by soaking the seeds in water is taken as a drink at frequent intervals to relive hiccups.
Water cress is mostly used as vegetable. Its rich green leaves make an excellent salad. The flowers of the plant are also palatable.

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