Most Amazing Secret of Beauty is Happiness

Women can be seen as one of God’s most gorgeous artworks. We were created yet somehow softer and gentler as compared to men. These days, however, many of us strive so hard to preserve our beauty by employing numerous amounts of modern technology let it be pills, Botox, implants, plastic surgery, and countless other alternative methods.

Sadly, out of all those methods, there is one traditional secret of beauty that has long been forgotten by us, and that would be: happiness. As simple as that, the secret to become beautiful transcending time and gender is happiness.

Many of us have already forgotten how to be happy or what happiness is due to endless lists of reasons, but some cliché would be: stressful jobs, super-tight schedule, obsessions with money and power, and the like. Life should be a continuous process of learning, during which we set a goal and attempt to better ourselves through each decision that we make. Unfortunately, along the way, mankinds tend to fall under the trap of ‘obsession’. There is a huge difference between setting goals and trying to reach those goals as compared to becoming obsessed those goals. Ironically we also love to become obsessed to materialistic things (things that we’ll leave when we die) such as money, power, and countless partners; maybe due to the illusions that those exteriors things will boost our ego as a person. We’ll ended up crying and beat ourselves up when we failed to fulfill those obsessions; now that’s what I called such an unhealthy life.

There is nothing wrong with wanting more, yet it becomes extremely dangerous if we were to obsess of wanting more. More is somewhat good, but what’s more important is for us to be happy and grateful with what we already have, and if possible, what we will have in the future. One would feel a lot better when they put ‘happiness’ as a major ingredient in their life. Here are a few tips how to reach happiness:

1. Express, don’t suppress

Yes, yes, life gets tougher as we get older. It can no longer be a choice between a candy or an ice cream. Each and every decision that we make comes with a huge responsibility and consequences. We succeed, we failed, we cried, we fell down and then we stood up. When things go rough, it is important to not suppress our feelings or emotions, but rather to express them. There is no need to be ashamed of failures. Even the greatest stars fall down at times. And there is no need to hold back of those feelings, as it will do nothing but spread out negativity within our mind. One good method that I usually do when I am upset is sublimation. That is to convert that negative feelings/emotions that we have into something positive. Say, washing the dishes, painting, going to the gym, taking our dogs for a walk, ironing the clothes, etc (hounding your ex with numerous phone calls does not count as positive acts). Trust me, it makes you feel a lot better opening the door and noticing there are no dirty dishes or crinkled shirts. The point is, please do yourself a favor and stop building a humongous negative feeling of disappointment the size of mount Jaya Wijaya. That feeling does stay, and it does affect your mood in the future.

2. Be positive!

Really, it does not cost you a thing to be positive, but it indeed goes a long way. Every time we plant a negative thoughts into our mind, let it be “Why do I look so fat in this jeans”, “Why do Diana gets to date him”, or “Why did he get the raise, and I don’t”, we shoo away our happy moods. Contemplating about bad things make you feel annoyed and stressed out; not to mention you look grumpy too; come on, who would want to give you a raise if you look grumpy! The point is, be positive, see the glass as half full. Being positive gives us power, it cheers us up, and more importantly it gives us HOPE. When Peter Pan tried to teach the kids how to fly, he suggested them to think of POSITIVE thoughts. That’s because positivity could give you a wing to fly! The other alternative is to not surround ourselves with people who are filled with jealousy and negativity. We should remember that negativity and all that bad influences are way easier to be transferred than the positive ones. Therefore, if you have people in your life who tend to drag you down, telling you how stupid or how useless you are—this is the good time to cut them off. It would be difficult to reach positivity when you have someone whispering negativity by your ears each and every second (not to mention that their negativity is much more contagious than the swine flu!). A good friends support you. They let you know when you are wrong, but stand by you to repair the damages, instead of pointing fingers.

3. Do good onto others

One very good method to feel happy is by doing good deeds. It is amazing how good you will feel after you lend your hands to someone who is in dire need. Simple things such as compliments, smiles, and phone calls could mean so much to some people. You will feel so relieved to know that you can put a smile on someone’s face, to know that you just turned someone’s day around—just like how they have turned yours.
When hardships come around, don't forget to pray and communicate with God to make sure that you don't hold on the pain yourself. The reliefs feeling that is caused by letting God operates with His way will reduce the tension and unhappy feeling within us. Sometimes, we do need a higher power, and fixating over the bad situation would not fix anything. By doing good deeds and praying, I am confident, that it will result on such a strong happy feeling that comes from within you—a loving feelings towards others and ourselves.

4. Take good care of ourselves

Taking good care of ourselves could be as simple as taking a nice hot shower after a long day, getting that cucumber masks that you’ve been thinking of (but simply don’t have the time), or eating that favorite ice cream of yours while watching classic DVDs. It is basically things that make you feel good. If you love to eat chocolate, for example, do not eat a bucket of them as it will make you feel icky and sicky. But, avoiding them at all cost is also not good, as you are avoiding things that make you happy. The key is to have it in portion that really makes you feel good and content. Sometimes we are too obsessed with bigger houses, sportier cars, or shinier jewelries; that we forget, even by sitting on our couch while spooning that delicious caramel ice cream can also be fulfilling. Take a second of your life to savor every relaxing moment that we have and let us not forget, somewhere within this nation there are people who also cannot afford those luxurious houses that we dreamt of , and yet they also cannot afford that bowl of ice cream that we were having. Be grateful for what we have, and don’t always look above as there are many who are under us and still need our help.

There are still many way to beautify ourselves other than plastic surgery and Botox, but, really, the basic idea is to create happiness within you. No matter how expensive your make up, shirts, ties, or jewelries are, without happiness you will be nothing but a soulless walking mannequin decorated with materialistic things. One thing that we have to always remember is that beauty is on the eyes of the beholder, and trust me, it does come from within.

source: waspada

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