Great supplement tips for healthy living

A grass injection
Superoxide dismutase is a potent anti-inflammatory and one of the most powerful antioxidants found in your body. Although it is present in certain foods, including cabbage, broccoli, wheat and barley grasses, it is difficult to boost levels through diet alone as it is broken down during the digestive process. However, a new type of supplement made from wheat grass has been shown to improve levels.

Swallow it early
If you take a daily vitamin supplement, take it with breakfast rather than later in the day, as studies have shown it to be better absorbed earlier in the day. And you should always take supplements with water, which helps absorption.

Bone up on Boron
Studies have shown immunity benefits and the prevention of autoimmune reactions (like eczema) in people who take 3 to 6 mg of boron per day. Boron also assists in calcium absorption, which maintains healthy bones, helps prevent osteoporosis and increases the synthesis of vitamin D.

Read the labels
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is often made form corn, and vitamin E is usually made from soy. Both of these are heavily genetically modified crops, particularly in the USA, and vitamins A, B2, B6, and B12 may be derived from GM crops as well. Check your supplement and vitamin labels.

Remember the carriers
Even if vitamins and mineral supplements aren’t derived from GM sources, some of them – such as vitamin D and K – may have “carriers” derived from GM corn, such as starch, glucose, and maltodextrin. In addition to finding these vitamins in supplements, they are sometimes used to fortify foods.

Swim like a shark
There aren’t many stranger supplements than shark cartilage, but some people swear by it as an anti-cancer pill, inhibiting new blood vessel growth and stopping tumor spread. It has also been reported to reduce some arthritis pain, but it can be high in mercury so make sure your supplement is purified.

Keep an eye on the iodine
If you eat a healthy diet and are moderately active but don’t seem to be able to shift excess weight, it’s worth getting your thyroid checked – people who lack iodine or other nutrients could have an under-active gland, which leads to a slower metabolism. Taking 150 meg of iodine a day could help.

Protect the prostate
Saw palmetto is a great supplement for men as it can help reduce some prostate problems, and for women because it has been linked with improvements in urinary tract infections. It is available as single supplements which can be taken as needed.

Supplement your teens

One of the most important times to give your child a vitamin supplement is during the teenage years when diets often become unhealthier. Choose one with vitamin
A, riboflavin (vitamin B2), zinc, potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron, all of which have been shown to be lacking in teenagers’ diets.

Folic acid bloom
If you’re pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant, make sure you take a daily supplement of folic acid (vitamin B9), which has been shown to help prevent neural tube defects in babies’ brains. At least 400 mcg a day is recommended.

Colorful connections
Eating lots of red and yellow onions, broccoli and squash is a good idea as it’s important to get around 500 mg a day of quercetin, a bioflavonoid that can inhibit bowel cancer and protect against heart disease, cataracts and allergies. It may also have anti-inflammatory qualities.

Get pro-health
Honey isn’t the only bee product that’s useful for keeping you healthy – propolis, a kind of resin produced by bees to protect honey stores, has anti-cancer, anti-oxidant effects as well as boosting immunity. Aim for at least 500 mg a day.

Sup some sea health
If you just can’t face the prospect of eating seaweed or plants harvested from the world’s oceans, you can cheat the system by taking a supplement of phyotene. A natural extraction from spirulina algae, studies have shown it to support healthy eyes, to have anti-cancer properties and to protect the skin from sun damage.

Blood-thinner warning
Not everyone benefits from taking omega-3 fish oil supplements – if you’re taking blood thinners you should consult your doctor before taking these oils as they can also have a blood-thinning effect. In such cases it’s probably best to get your dose from the whole fish instead.