8 Super Secret Foods Helps You Look and Feel Great

Beauty comes from within.

Scientific skin care, lotions and potions...they're all great, but by eating ‘super foods’ for healthy skin you'll not only look younger but you will feel better too.

Below I’ve listed eight ‘super food secrets’ that you can incorporate into your diet which will help erase lines, keep your complexion glowing and give you beautiful skin.

* Egg Whites for protein to produce collagen. Egg whites have long been known as an immunity booster. Recent studies show that egg whites are a great source of zinc. Zinc is an essential mineral that keeps the skin young, firm and vital. If you're zinc deficient, all the skin care applications in the world won't cover basic healthy, youthful skin.

* Pomegranate to soften your skin. A glass of natural, pure pomegranate juice is great, but try to have at least a cup of pomegranate seeds - not just the juice. This fruit is packed with Vitamin C. The juice in pomegranate seeds contains both ellagic acid and punic alagin. Ellagic acid is a compound that fights damage from free radicals. Punic alagin is a super nutrient that helps the body to preserve collagen. Collagen is the connective tissue that makes your skin look younger, smoother and soft.

* Olive Oil for a healthy glow. Have at least one tablespoon of olive oil a day. Olive Oil has "good fat" and also contains heart healthy omega-3s, which improve your circulation, leaving skin rosy and supple.

* Watermelon for a dewy complexion. Eat as much as you like of this healthy, sweet fruit. Watermelon is rich in Vitamin C, potassium and lycopene - ultimate antioxidants - which help to regulate the balance of water and nutrients in cells. Hydration is the secret to vibrant, healthy, youthful looking skin and this super food secret is the key to unlock your inner beauty.

* Blueberries to smooth fine lines. Blueberries are truly a super food. They contain more fibre and antioxidants than any other food. Eating at least half a cup daily to give your skin protection from skin damaging free radicals that come from over-exercising, emotional stress and too much sun exposure. Blueberries prevent cell-structure damage that can lead to fine lines, wrinkles and loss of skin firmness.

* Green Tea to diminish brown spots. Drink at least one to two cups per day. Not only is this healthy brew great for your diet and boosting your metabolism, it contains "catechins" - an effective compound for preventing premature ageing and damaging effects of sun damage. Green Tea is rich in antioxidants that fight off free radical damage and may reverse the effects of ageing.

* Cold-water fish to reduce redness. Eat six, 6oz. portions of salmon, sardines or mackerel per week. Cold-water fish naturally contain omega-3 fatty acids which strengthen skin-cell membranes, and in turn help to hydrate the skin. Adding supplements to your diet will also help with inflammation such as eczema, rosacea and psoriasis.

* Spinach & Kale for skin firming. Eat your green veggies daily! These two super foods contain vital phytonutrients also referred to as antioxidant compounds that help guard against damage from the sun. Try to have at least three cups per week of spinach or kale. These two leafy greens are loaded with beta- carotene and lutein. These two important nutrients have shown to improve skin elasticity and firmness.

source: thehealthierlife.co.uk

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