Firm Your Abs, Midsection, Get Rid of Jelly Stomach

You need to target all your ab muscles by doing a variety of exercises, including deep muscles like the transverse abdominis. This muscle runs horizontally and wraps around, sucking in your middle like a girdle. Unfortunately, popular crunches on hit the most superficial rectus abdominis muscle. The routine below targets your entire abdominal area, leaving you with flat, firm muscles that not only look nice in fitted slacks and suits but help you stand straighter and avoid back problems too.

Do 2 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions (unless otherwise noted) of the following routine 2 or 3 days a week, allowing 1 day of rest between workouts. You should start seeing results in as little as 2 to 4 weeks.

Leg Drop: Lie on back with hands on chest, legs extended and lifted directly over hips so they are perpendicular to floor. Turn feet out slightly. Lift head off floor and look toward legs. Inhale and lower legs several inches toward floor. Exhale and return to start. Start with 4 to 6 reps and work up to 8 to 10.

The Hover: Lie facedown with upper body propped on forearms so elbows are directly beneath shoulders. Raise entire body off floor, so body forms a straight line supported by forearms and toes. Your back should not arch or droop. Hold 15 to 20 seconds. Perform 3 repetitions.

The Bicycle: Lie faceup on floor, legs extended, hands loosely behind head. Slowly bring left elbow across body while bending right knee and lifting leg toward chest as far as comfortably possible. Hold, then lower back to start. Repeat, alternating sides. You should be twisting your torso, not your neck.

V-Sit: Lie on back, legs extended, arms down at sides, palms down. Keeping arms parallel to the ground, raise legs and torso until you are balancing on your tailbone and your body forms a V. Hold for a second, then slowly lower. If you're having trouble, keep legs slightly bent.

The Corkscrew: Lie on back, arms at sides, palms down. Keeping legs extended and feet flexed, lift them off floor so they form a 90-degree angle with your body. Keeping upper body stable, contract abs and lift butt off floor while twisting hips to the right. Hold. Lower to start. Repeat to the other side.

Source: Michele Stanten, Prevention's Fitness Director, is a certified group fitness instructor and counselor in the areas of weight control and stress management.

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