Handy meditation excersice to improve concentration

Concentration is the fist step to meditation (dhyana). In other words, long uninteruppted concentration is meditation. Here is what you can do:

Step 1: Sit crossed legged in a quiet place, close your eyes and watch the inhalation and exhalation as you breath.When thoughts come and go, don't fight them but continue to watch your breath. Maintain this for about 10 minutes. Continue this practise for about a month and as your mind becomes more focussed on the breathing, increase the duration of the exercise to about 20 -- 25 minutes. You can do this in the mornings or evenings.

After about a month or so, you will find yourself in a much more relaxed mind frame, which is a prerequisite to any form of concentration.

Step 2: Put a candle on a stand at your eye level and sit about two feet away. (The room should not be a very bright one). Gaze at the tip of the candle till your eyes start watering. Then, cup your eyes gently with your palms. Repeat this procedure 3 to 4 times taking care not to strain your eyes. Note: Avoid this practice if you wear glasses with a number higher than 5.

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