Natural Treatment To Cure Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women and almost 4,000 cases were fatal just last year. Conventional treatments for cervical cancer such as chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, hysterectomy, or the removal of lymph nodes and ovaries can often leave the woman infertile.

However, alternatives exist for women who seek a more holistic approach to improving their bodies' responses to cancer. Cervical cancer can be remedied in ways alternative to conventional, damaging treatments. Instead of harsh treatments that can wreak havoc on the body, a combination of yoga, meditation, and a raw vegan diet can be a much more gentle and beneficial method for healing.

A raw vegan diet, for instance, is based on unprocessed and uncooked plant foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, sprouts, grains, nuts, beans, and seaweed. Raw foods and juices deliver pure, powerful nutrients straight to your system and are full of antioxidants and enzymes, which are vital to good health. Antioxidants, for example, reduce the cellular by-products of free radicals, which can lead to cancer.

According to Leslie Kenton, author of Raw Energy, "Doctors and scientists confirm that raw diets not only prevent colds and flu and retard aging, but they can also help to cure cancer, diabetes, ulcers and arthritis."

When Amanda Deming learned she had cervical cancer from her pap smear results, she revised the way she prepared and ate food, instead of getting surgery to remove the cancerous cells. Not only did Deming decide against conventional treatment and chose to heal her body naturally, but she became a raw food chef, as well. "I think that you are what you eat and whatever you put into your body is definitely going to manifest. If you`re eating foods on a higher vibration, you`re going to run on a higher vibration," said Deming.

In addition to what you put in your body, it is also valuable to pay attention to how you treat your body. Yoga, including kundalini yoga, which focuses on awareness and chakra balancing, reduces stress and combats life-threatening conditions like cancer. For instance, yoga and meditation help cancer patients to use their breath to heal the body. According to Deming, "I think once you get into meditation, you`re able to listen to your body and you are actually more in tune to everything that`s going on around you--especially from within."

Deming, like many other yoga practitioners, learned to use her own body to heal itself. Today, she is cancer-free and is a certified yoga teacher, raw food chef, massage therapist and singer. "I plan to live a long and healthy life full of positive energy, vibrant foods, great people and just be happy, healthy and holy." Cervical cancer can be a formidable obstacle and life-threatening deterrence, but it need not be a nonnegotiable battle with one's body, as Deming's case affirms. Through the use of meditation and yoga, in addition to adopting a raw food diet, one may even emerge stronger, healthier, and wiser.

source: naturalnews

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