Healthy Foods, Vegetables, Grains Classification For Strong Body

Balanced diet, staying clean, getting plenty of exercise are the things in staying healthy which makes our body strong as keeping the heart healthy and free of drugs. Individuals who practice good nutrition, proper hygiene and e4xercise pattern can develop a lifetime of good habits that will keep the individual healthy for many years to come as he gets older.



1. Apricots Beta-carotene- helps prevent free-radical damage and protect the eyes.

2. Avocados Vitamin A- which may help ward off some cancers, most especially the skin.

3. Raspberries Ellagic acid-which helps stall cancer-cell growth, packed with Vit C
and are high in fiber, prevents cholesterol and heart disease.

4. Cantaloupe Vit C and beta-carotene-both powerful antioxidants that help protect cells from free radical damage.

5. Melon&Banana-Rich in potassium-helps to lower blood pressure.

6. Cranberry Juice-Helps fight bladder infections, preventing harmful bacteria from

7. Tomato Lycopene-one of the strongest carotenoids, acts as an antioxidant.

8. Raisins Great source of iron, helps the blood transport oxygen, many women are
short on.

9. Figs Great source of potassium and fiber, also contain Vit B6-responsible for
producing mood-boosting serotonin,lowers cholesterol and prevents water retention.

10. Lemons/Limes Lfurocoumarins, Limonene and Vitamin C-prevent cancer.


1. Onions Quercetin-one of the most powerful flavonoids (natural plant antioxidants)-helps protect against cancer.

2. Artichokes Contain silymarin, an antioxidant that helps prevent skin cancer, and has fiber to help control cholesterol.

3. Ginger Helps reduce queasiness-other compounds help ward off migraines and
arthritis pain-this blocks inflammation causing prostaglandins.

4. Broccoli Sulfarophane and Indole-3-carbinol-helps protect against breast cancer, has Vit c and beta-carotene.

5. Spinach Lutein and Zeaxanthin-cartenoids that help fend off macular degeneration-a
major cause of blindness in older people.

6. Bok Choy (Chinese Cabbage) Brassinin-Can help breast tumors with indoles and
isothiocyanates-lowers level of estrogen-prevents breast cancer.

7. Squash/Butternut/Pumpkin/Acorn - Has huge amounts of Vit C and beta-carotene-helps
protect against endometrial cancer.

8. Watercress and Arugula - Phenethyl isothiocyanate with beta-carotene and Vits C&E-help keep cancer cells at bay

9. Garlic Sulfur compounds-give garlic-its pungent flavor can also lower LDL or
bad cholesterol, lower blood pressure and reduce risk of stomach and colon cancer.


1. Quinoa Protein, iron, riboflavin and magnesium.

2. Wheat Germ Magnesium-helps prevent muscle cramps, good source of Vitamin E.

3. Lentils Isoflavones-may inhibit estrogen-promoted breast cancers plus fiber-good for heart.

4. Peanuts Contain saturared fat-can lower your heart disease risk.

5. Pinto Beans Folate-helps protect against heart disease and reduces risk of birth

6. Yogurt Helps prevent yeart infections and calcium strengthens bones.

7. Skim Milk Riboflavin Vit B2-important for good vision and Vit A-help improve eczema and allergies.


1. Shellfish/Clams/Mussels Vit B12 to support nerve and brain function, with iron and minerals like magnesium and potassium.

2. Salmon/Mackerel and Tuna -Best sources of omega-3, fatty acids, helps reduce risk of cardiac disease.

3. Crab Vit B12 and immunity-boosting zinc.

There are 3 basic rules for a healthy diet by using the food guide pyramid. It consists of :

Variety which means including foods from each level based on the Food Guide Pyramid because there is no single food that could supply all the nutrients needed by the body for growth on a daily basis. It also expands your food choices and would be best eaten in assorted colors.

There would be a better range of nutrients that a person could get if there are a lot of colors and texture present in daily meals.
Balanced would mean that a person must eat the right amount of foods in all levels based on the Pyramid. The size of serving will depend on the the size of the person as well as age, sex and activity level.

Moderation would mean that a person must be careful by not easting too much of any type of food present in the Food Guide Pyramid. This guide will help you plan your meals well.

source: mdinfo

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