How to prevent the formation of pimples

To prevent the formation of pimples, you can follow this skin regimen, as follows:

-Clean your face and body at least twice a day. Use cleanser that contain alpha hydroxyl acids or salicylic acid s there ingredients help in unclogging the pores.

-You can use good toner, this can help to reduce the amount of bacteria

-You should keep your hair off from your face if possible.

-Avoid stress and have a good sleep

-Use of topical treatment includes oral antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and tretinon.

-Use of systemic therapies, including oral antibiotics, sex hormones, corticosteroids, and isotretinoin

-Mix a teaspoon of honey with half teaspoon each of camphor lotion and tomato juice. Apply this mixture on your face for 15 minutes and then wash it with lukewarm water followed by cold water. This will help in lightening spots or marks left by pimples.

-Maintain well hydrated tissues by drinking plenty of water, fresh fruit and vegetables juices are vital to retain moisture in your skin. Also, it helps in flushing the toxins from your body and improves the texture of your skin.

-Maintain a balanced diet consisting of fresh fruits, vegetables, fish and whole grains, which are high in antioxidants such as Vitamins A, B, C and E. These Vitamins can counteract free radicals in your body that help the skin to repair itself, produce the enzymes that stabilize collagen production, and stay moist and healthy.

-Try to maintain a healthy weight by having proper diet. Eat green and brightly colored vegetables; dark leafy greens and lettuce; fresh fruits and berries; lean turkey and chicken; nuts, dried fruits and healthy snacks; whole grain breads and pasta; healthy cooking oils like canola and olive oils; grass fed beef and bison; cold water oily ocean fish; low fat milk or soy beverages; nuts, seeds, and legumes.

-Low GI diet or carbohydrates foods with low glycemic index can improve acne.

-Get enough quality sleep at least 8 hours. Sleep is the time when the body undertakes its own repairs, so give it what it needs and you will feel the better for it.

-Get involve in a regular exercise. Bones will become weaker if you do not exercise regularly to keep fit.

-Avoid smoking because it has direct effect on the skin because great part of the toxins will be removed through the skin.

Source: mdinfo

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