The power of positive thoughts

Dear Editor,
It is normal for a person to have feelings of hopelessness and despair from time to time. However, these feelings can become problematic if they degenerate into a chronic debilitating state of despondency from which it is extremely difficult to extricate oneself.

In these times of economic distress, there is a growing tendency for many of us to get entangled in a paralysing state of doom and gloom.

When we are faced with such a depressing state of affairs, we tend to harbour and emit negative thoughts, which in turn produce negative results. A vicious cycle is then set in motion that can lead to social paralysis.

It is interesting to note that James Allen, the author of As a Man Thinketh, used the biblical quote: "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he", to buttress his point that "a man is literally what he thinks; his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts." In other words, if you think that you are strong, you will manifest strength, but if you think that you are weak, you will invariably exhibit weakness.

In stressing the power of positive thought Henry Thomas Hamblin (1873-1958), an English philosopher, stated: "What a person thinks is the power by which difficulties can be overcome, disadvantages of birth and parentage surmounted, and the life beautified, inspired and energised with God-given powers."

This enduring power of positive thought is also supported by Chuck Danes, the founder of "Enlightened Journey Enterprises". Danes stated: "Do not underestimate the power of [positive] thoughts. Just as water has the power to shift and mould earth's landscape, your thoughts have the power to shift and mould the landscape of your life."

It is my firm belief that there resides in every human being a great reservoir of potential creative power waiting to be harnessed. And there is no doubt that this reservoir of power can be harnessed through positive thoughts.

However, it would appear that the creative power of positive can only take root and flourish in a positive environment. Positive thoughts like negative thoughts are extremely contagious. Therefore, to internalise and emit positive thoughts you should court the association and friendship of people who cherish and emit positive thoughts as well.

It goes without saying that if you want to live a happy, productive and healthy life, you should try to avoid negative people. They are like lead on your feet. Their sole purpose in life is to immobilise you and drag you down into the Slough of Despond.

Rupert Johnson

Toronto, Canada

source: jamaicaobserver

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