Health Care Reform: Myths and Misunderstandings

Too often have I written about the endgame. Shades of Mark Twain -- reports of my death are exaggerated. But this really is the ninth inning. The problem is the president is looking for the long ball -- the out of the park home run. When he should have been hitting singles, or emulating the great Joe Montana -- short yardage high percentage gains -- not Hail Mary passes.
Ave, Imperator, morituri te salutant

The secret fate of all voting democratic House members. The arm twisting in the house rises to epic proportions not seen since the days of the infamous Tom DeLay - the Hammer.

This will be a bad bill. You are all unwitting pawns in this game. It will solve nothing. It cures nothing. It has emboldened the insurance raqueteers and Big Pharma. It has only one potential good outcome -- Rush Limbaugh has promised he will leave the country.

They have rolled Howard Dean and Dennis Kucinich. Other voices have been marginalized - Bernadine Healy, Robert Reich, Norman Goldman of Talk Left, Marcia Angell. And who will benefit from a fatally flawed passage? The rising unaffiliated -- the independent vote. This is a Greek tragedy. A Pyrrhic victory.

We are all too aware of the right wing echo chamber. A well orchestrated score promoting stereotyped rat a tat answers. How do they do this?

The same may be true in on the left as well. We hear platitudes and assertions over and over again without challenge.

1. United States ranks number 37 in the world in healthcare.

Why repeat this assertion over and over and over again? Because it makes a false point.

This figure is derived from life expectancy in the OECD (organization of economic cooperation and development) countries. The spread is narrow -- less than five years.

My friend Burton Goldberg, one of the most successful publishers of alternative medicine, constantly beseeched me on this issue -- investigate life expectancy derivations. Life expectancy is a highly complex mathematical formula that balances death with infant mortality.

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source: huffingtonpost

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