Great Healthy Pregnancy Tips Your Doctor May Miss Out

Dr. Philip Landrigan, pioneering pediatrician, lead investigator of the National Children's Study and winner of the 2010 Heart of Green "Protector" Award offers simple advice for women who are, or may become, pregnant.

Pediatrician Dr. Philip Landrigan is a pioneer in the study of environmental chemicals and their effect on children's health. He was among the first to identify toxic lead as a concern, and fought to remove it from gasoline, paint and other products. His research and advice was critical to the government's decision to regulate chemicals not just on their health effects on adults, but on children too. And he is leading the National Children's Study, a landmark 21-year study that will help identify the causes of chronic childhood illnesses like autism, asthma, obesity and learning disorders. He is a 2010 Heart of Green Award winner (read more about Dr. Landrigan). The Daily Green asked him to share tips for women who are or may become pregnant; here's what he said:

Keep yourself healthy
The most fundamental attributes of health matter whether you're pregnant or not, but especially so when you are pregnant. Keep fit, maintain low blood pressure and a healthy weight.

Get vaccinated
Pregnant women should be protected against rubella. Children should get the vaccines recommended by public health officials, including the Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) shot that some parents increasingly shy away from. He discounts concerns about vaccines causing autism:

"There have been a dozen high-quality studies that looked at vaccines and autism. ... Every one of these studies has failed to find any connection between vaccines and autism. ... I think one of the most compelling studies is one that came out of Japan. In Japan they have a very top-down health care system. They made a decision to stop MMR because they were worried about autism. When they suspended vaccination, rates of autism continued to go up. They reinstituted the vaccine."

He added that failing to vaccinate your child is putting him or her at real risk:

"There have been reports of measles outbreaks. There will be rubella. Young parents today don't remember, but 10 percent of kids who suffer measles are left with some degree of hearing loss. One in 20 develops pneumonia. One in 1,000 develops brain damage or encephalitis. Rubella for a pregnant mom, there's a high risk of heart and lung deformities in her child, even autism. ... These are severe consequences. There has been so much chatter on the Internet about the hazards of vaccination, most of it ill informed. These are ancient scourges."

Take your vitamins
Most importantly, be sure to take the recommended dose of folic acid, which can prevent serious birth defects.

Beware lead
Older homes built before lead paint was banned in 1978 are likely contaminated with lead. Don't renovate, particularly to create a baby nursery, because you may well introduce a serious brain-damaging toxic metal into the air in your home. Once exposed, babies' brains do not recover from the damage.

"I always warn young women and young couples of the dangers of lead paint," Dr. Landrigan said. "Don't start sanding old paint to prepare a room in the house for the baby; we've had a couple horrible cases where they do that."

Also be aware that the most common health standard used to test for lead poisoning was set in 1991 and Dr. Landrigan considers it outdated. While health professionals may say a blood lead level under 10 micrograms per deciliter is safe, Dr. Landrigan puts the safe figure at under five. Any blood lead test that shows a level above five should prompt parents to identify sources of lead, and remove them to stop the ongoing exposure.

Eat only safe fish
Many fish, particularly predators like tuna and swordfish, have high levels of mercury and/or PCBs, which like lead, can cause permanent brain damage. On the other hand, fish is also a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids, which may be important for childhood brain development. What's a pregnant mother to do? "There are plenty of safe fish out there," Dr. Landrigan said. "Pick the safe fish and avoid the dangerous ones."

Carry a pocket guide like the Environmental Defense Fund's Seafood Selector, which usefully identifies fish that are high in Omega-3 fatty acids, low in contaminants and fished sustainably. (There are also mobile phone apps that do the same thing.)

Ideally, women should start avoiding high-risk fish at least six-to-eight months before getting pregnant.

Avoid phthalates and Bisphenol A
These controversial chemicals are difficult to avoid. Phthalates are found in many soft plastics (including baby products), in fragrances and in cosmetics and personal care products. Bisphenol A is found in many hard plastics, including many food containers, the lining of food and beverage cans, and in other products. Both chemicals, though, mimic human hormones and may have a particularly risky effect on development. The government still sanctions their use, but many scientists – Dr. Landrigan included – recommending doing all you can to avoid phthalates and BPA: Don't microwave food in plastic, avoid canned foods and only use bottles that are BPA-free. Dr. Landrigan recommends checking personal care products against the Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep database to find safe phthalate-free options.

"In the case of lead, PCBs and mercury, the data is ironclad," Dr. Landrigan said. "There is uncertainty with BPA and phthalates, but there's enough data to encourage prudence."

Avoid pesticides
Avoid using lawn, garden and household pesticides to kill weeds, bugs or mice. And buy organic food "to the extent you can afford it," Dr. Landrigan recommends.

Food for thought
"The most fundamental message is for people to remember that the environment is not just something that they visit on weekends or during their summer vacation – that the environment is all around us, that it is in us and we are in it, and that it profoundly influences our health," Dr. Landrigan said. "The second message is that our children, especially children at the very beginning of life, are most sensitive to the environment."

source: thedailygreen

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