Key Moments in Life When Your Brain Might Stop Thinking

There are situations in every ones life that are out of control, means we know what we are doing but at some moment, due to unavoidable circumstances our mind goes blank for sometime, we don’t know what to do, were to go, we cannot understand anything, we cannot hear anything our mind and body gives up.

This type of condition is only temporary, which i have personally experienced in my life and I think some of you reading this article may also experienced in past or aware of it.

The following moments might switch off your mind or thinking power if faced in reality:

While driving from office to home that’s routine, you see a truck whose brakes are failed speeding opposite to you on the same lane at 150 kms per hour and there is no escape.

When you don’t get sufficient drinking water continues for 8 days your brains thinking power tumbles. It is reported that average human being can live without food for 4 to 6 weeks, but not in case of water.

When you are in office and your cell rings and someone gives you a unbelievable shocking news of someone very close or your loved ones disasters. (I am sorry, i think you realized what I wanted to say)

Electric Shock
When you are in contact with high electric voltage shock of 240 Volts and above.your mind collapse, if you survive your mind will not work for sometime.

When you are deeply and honestly in love with someone and one day you caught her with someone else ditching you.

That’s amazing. Will you think anything else or listen to someone while doing it, specially during climax.

How to take control of your mind in some of the above situations is still a unsolved mystery. I pray that none of the above situations are faced in our lives except the last one.

Author - Manmeet

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