Unbelievable Health Facts About Selenium That Will Amaze You

The Facts about Selenium are many and varied. It is SUCH a surprising nutrient and the health benefits of selenium are so many that it's hard to know where to start. There just simply is no ONE function of Selenium. But the main facts about Selenium are that, much like Vitamin D, it is ESSENTIAL for good health- yet is is almost completely overlooked by western medicine. Even most health advocates forget to mention the benefits of selenium.

Unfortunately, there are few noticeable selenium deficiency symptoms. Much like Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency, the effects only show up in very subtle ways. In the short-term, the effects may be as small as an increased susceptibility to infections. In the long-term, selenium deficiency symptoms could show up as a higher likelihood of cancer or more rapid aging.

Not the kind of symptoms that doctors will go out of their way to look for, test for and urge the population to take supplements for the betterment of their health. Like many other nutrients, these 'long latency' effects also don't make for very conclusive peer-reviewed studies. Most organizations don't like studies that last for years and even decades to get results- and many participants in these types of studies aren't compliant with taking the supplements, drop out or are unable to be contacted.

Therefore, there are not a lot of conclusive long-term studies on selenium. We don't even really know what optimal selenium blood levels or Dosages of Selenium Supplements are. But the facts about selenium that we DO have show that the many benefits of selenium are worth taking a good look at this nutrient in order to learn more about its health effects.

What Does Selenium Do

1) It has Anti cancer properties

2) It is an immune system stimulant and has antiviral properties

3) Selenium is essential for Proper Heart Function

4) It is the precursor to the powerful antioxidant Glutathione

5) It is involved in production of thyroid hormone

6) Involved in Muscular strength

7) Required for healthy sperm function

Facts About Selenium and Your Heart

Selenium is extraordinarily important in heart health, yet Western Medicine has almost completely overlooked the detrimental effects that selenium deficiency can have on the heart. One unquestioned function of selenium on the heart is its role in Heart Failure.

The chronically low levels of selenium in the soil of an area in China called Keshan leads to Heart Failure from Selenium Deficiency. This well-known problem, called Keshan Disease, is cured, in most cases, by the administration of selenium. That's all they need and they are cured of heart failure!!

In US, heart Failure is a HUGE problem- particularly in the elderly (who also tend to have very low selenium levels). But even though Selenium is one of the Known Causes of Heart Failure, selenium levels are almost NEVER checked in patients with recurrent heart failure. Not even in infants with Congenital Heart Failure for whom death is just as likely today as it was in 1970- selenium deficiency is never suspected, nor checked! What a travesty of our health care system.

Heart Disease too- the kind that causes heart attacks - has been linked to selenium deficiency in some studies.

And supplementation of selenium even given AFTER heart attacks also seems to have a protective effect on preventing further heart attacks and deaths.

But while few studies have been done on selenium and incidence of heart attacks and the jury is still out as to whether selenium can help prevent heart DISEASE, there is NO DISPUTE that adequate selenium levels are required in order to prevent Selenium Deficiency Heart Failure.

Facts about Selenium and Cancer

Wow! Selenium has been completely overlooked in the fight against cancer. While the evidence is considered 'equivocal' in the facts about selenium and heart disease, there is a LOT of evidence supporting the fact that selenium deficiency is a MAJOR contributing factor in several different types of cancer... interestingly almost universally in men only...

"The Nutritional Prevention of Cancer Trial
found supplemental Se (200 microg/day, as
Se-enriched yeast) to be associated with
significant reductions in cancer risks
in subjects with pre-treatment plasma
Se concentrations below 120 ng/ml (1.5 nmoles/ml)..."

Specifically, the strongest evidence for the benefits of selenium as a preventative for cancer is for prostate, lung, and colon cancers. Also, selenium seems to play a role in helping people who have already BEEN diagnosed with cancer to live longer as well- which is of great benefit when cancer survival, even with advanced medical techniques and medications, is still far too low.

Facts about Selenium and Vitamin E

Selenium and Vitamin E seem to work together in a 'synergistic' way. This means that when Vitamin D and selenium work together, their actions may have a more positive effect than if either one is being used by itself.

Also, when one or the other of Vitamin E or Selenium is DEFICIENT, if their is plenty of the OTHER nutrient, then the harm to the body seem to be less. In other words, selenium offers a protective effect against Vitamin E Deficiency and Vitamin E offers a protective effect against Selenium deficiency.

So, when choosing to supplement, it is EVEN BETTER to supplement with both Selenium AND Vitamin E together. And this is one of the reasons why my favorite multivitamin formulation is Dr. Mercola's Whole Food Multivitamin. It contains 200 mg of highly absorbable selenium with 400 IU's of Vitamin E in the form of mixed tocopherols- the ONLY form of Vitamin E that should be consumed!

source: easy-immune-health

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