Wheat-grass juice known as “Green Blood” for man kind

Wheat-grass juice: God's gift to man kind

Packed with a balanced supply of vital nutrients, wheat grass juice has immense benefits. It contain abundant supply of chlorophyll and hence it is called ‘green blood’, because of its structural similarity to hemoglobin.

It contains magnesium and it is essential for making about thirty enzymes in our bodies. The vital health giving powers of wheat grass juice helps fight a host of conditions like chronic fatigue, anemia, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, allergies, wrinkles, lackluster skin, liver problems, colds, asthma, sinusitis, etc. Wheat grass juice is especially effective in the treatment of anemia.

Research indicates that one kg of wheat grass contains nutrients equivalent to 25 kg of vegetables. Wheat- grass juice is alkaline in nature. It contains chlorophyll that purifies the blood and detoxifies the body. It gets absorbed within thirty minutes of intake.

Wheat-grass can be taken in the form of juice or by chewing its leaves. About 100g of wheat grass yields 100ml of juice. This juice should be taken on an empty stomach early in the morning or later in the day, three hours after a meal. If you are suffering from reduced immunity, headaches, frequent colds, etc., you can begin by taking 50ml of wheat-grass juice daily and increase it to 100ml a day gradually. But if you have a chronic disease like diabetes, heart disease, asthma, or cancer, you can begin by taking 25ml of wheat-grass juice and slowly increase it to 200 to 250ml a day.

You can extract wheat-grass juice by placing 100gm of it in a electric mixer and blending it with water. Its best to manually mince the grass on a stone grinder or with a mortal and pestle. Strain and drink immediately because after sometime, the chlorophyll tends to become less active and its other vital nutrients begin to get oxidized, which makes the therapy less effective.

Wheat-grass juice is strongly recommended as something that can enhance your health significantly.

Recommended by Dr. Dave

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