A Healthy Diet To Lose Weight: Burn the Belly Fat Very Quickly

Are you tired of lifting heavy weights in gym? Have you become frustrated because your efforts are not helping you in losing your weight? Well, here are some sure shot tips that will make certain you lose weight and get in the desired shape.

First of all, you will have to count the amount of calories you consume. I know this is a little tedious job but you will acknowledge its benefits later. It is not that difficult to do also. At the end of each day, take a piece of paper and write down everything you ate that day. Then using nutritional values provided on the pack, take note of the calories, fat, sugar that you intake. Sum up these values for over a week and then divide by 7 to get an average value of the amount of calories consumed per day in that week.

Now the real thing begins. Start to reduce this number. If that sounds a little difficult task, then try doing it in small percentages like 10% for starters. As you get used to 10% less calories in a day, then reduce some more. You will notice that by doing this small reduction of calories in your daily diets you have taken a big leap in your path towards the goal of achieving a flat belly.

Finally you need to tone your muscles and get rid of the extra fat already deposited on your body. Don’t worry, I’m not asking you to join the gym or buy an exercise machine. Just try to dedicate a small slot of your time to simple exercise, just to get you sweating. If your busy life doesn’t allow you doing that then I can suggest you another way to get your muscles working. Try to utilize your non productive time. For instance, instead of driving to the general store to buy stuffs, try walking to the place. And not just general store you can switch to walking to the nearby places. It will also cut down your petrol expenses. Another way is to do a little workout during the TV commercials. Whenever you watch TV and you encounter commercial do 10 push-ups, or anything that suits you.

There are numerous ways you can put yourself to sweating without actually joining a gym or exhausting yourself on an exercise machine.

What are you waiting for now? You are now the possessor of the best technique to lose weight. Start off instantly!


Karen is an expert nutritionist and health advisor. She helped to design the Diet Solution Program, the #1 weight loss program on the net today! Check it out now for a free video showing you how to lose weight the easy way.

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