Watercress Most Effective in Healing Disease And Boosting Health

Watercress is the most effective vegetable to cure many major diseases including cancers

The green stems and leaves of watercress have a slightly ‘hot flavour’ and are exellent in salads. Watercress has been recognized as one of a group of (cruciferous) vegetables that are believed to reduce the risk of some cancers, if eaten on a regular basis.

Watercress grows in or near fresh water and is cultivated in Britain. It has been valued for centuries by herbalists for its healing properties.

Its an exellent source of vitamins (A, C and E) and minerals (Iron, calcium and magnesium) and beta carotene. It has natural antibiotic properties.

Health Benefits
It contains vitamins and minerals that are involved in essential metabolic processes and are vital for the health of tissues and organs. Research indicates that regular consumption of watercress reduces the risk of the occurrence of certain cancers including those of the lower digestive system and bladder.

In herbal medicine watercress has been used to treat tuberculosis, bronchitis and coughs and as a stimulant for the digestive system. It is also used to stimulate the removal of toxic wastes from the tissues and blood and to treat urinary tract infections.

The leaves are used as a poultice to treat arthritis and gout and the extracted juice is said to clear up spots and minor skin problems. Chewing the leaves is said to strengthen the gums.

Disadvantages: Wild watercress should not be gathered as a species of tiny snail that lives on the plant harbours parasitic liver flukes that can be passed on to people. There is also a risk of bacterial contamination (listeriosis). Watercress should be purchased from a reliable, controlled source and washed in clean running water before use.

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