Effective Diet Turn Around Tips

diet tips
If making a commitment to “eating healthfully” seems like an overwhelming chore, think more strategically. Opt for a few simple tweaks. Certain small changes serve up huge, lifelong benefits that can help you lose weight, ward off disease, and sustain a better mood and more energy all day long.

“It’s all about self-care,” says Beth Reardon of Duke Integrative Medicine and Caring.com’s senior food and nutrition editor. “You have to ask, ‘Am I worth a little extra effort to think about what I’m putting in my body?’ You — and the body that you rely on — deserve nothing less.” Start with these six simple diet game-changers:

1. Add more fat–healthy fat–to your diet.
Why? Many adults, especially baby boomers, have been brainwashed into thinking fats equal calories and should be avoided. But the body needs fat to function. (After all, 60 percent of the brain is fat.) Not all fat is alike, and not all fat calories — researchers increasingly believe — are alike either. “Some fats seem to bind with receptors in the nucleus of the cell and cause the body to metabolize them better,” Reardon says.

Healthy fats include many nuts, seeds, avocado, extra-virgin olive oil, and canola oil. “Eating nuts and avocados doesn’t make you fat — but not eating them might,” Reardon says. Unlike calories from saturated (bad) fats, healthy fat calories are essential to the body’s metabolism. They keep you performing well, and they satisfy hunger better.

How? Use extra-virgin olive oil and canola for much of your cooking. Don’t be shy about adding a small amount of olive oil, with flavored vinegar, to a salad if it makes it taste better, so you want to eat more salad. (Bonus: Less sodium and sugar than processed bottled dressings.) Mash avocado and spread it on your sandwich in place of mayonnaise. Snack on raw almonds, pumpkin seeds, pistachios, and walnuts — four kinds of nuts and seeds with great lipid-lowering ability — or add them as toppings or ingredients to cereal, vegetable dishes, or foods.

Tip: Buy a flaxseed grinder (or coffee grinder) and add freshly-ground flaxseed to anything from cereal and baked goods to vegetables and smoothies. Flax is a rich source of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids as well as antioxidants and fiber, and it’s been shown to reduce “bad” LDL cholesterol. Because whole flaxseed tends to be less well used by the body, grinding the seeds before use provides more benefit.

2. Swap what you’re drinking now for water and green tea.
Why? Water is sugar-free, junk-free, and guilt-free. Juice or soda, in contrast, contain unproductive calories (150 calories per cup of grape juice, 150 in a regular 12-ounce can of soda) made up mostly of sugar and few nutrients.

Don’t bank on diet sodas and sugar-free juices, either. They may have no calories, but the artificial sweeteners in them work in the body the same way sugary drinks do: They cause the brain to signal to the pancreas that “sweets are coming!” This causes the pancreas to start pumping insulin. Insulin, in turn, triggers carb cravings and fatigue. “It’s a cheating game,” says Reardon, “that backfires on us.”

Drinks like soda and juice are also habit-forming. The brain tends to associate them with certain foods (chips, fries, hamburgers) or with expecting to eat at certain times. What’s more, liquid calories take up stomach space, making us less likely to eat more satisfying and nutrient-rich foods, so overall nutrition suffers.

Water is less filling and hydrates the body, flushing out toxins, transporting nutrients, and keeping tissues such as the nose and mouth moist and better able to defend against viruses.

How? Aim for 48 ounces of water a day (that’s six eight-ounce glasses), plus two to four cups of antioxidant-rich green or white tea (as a better-for-you coffee replacement). To build an easy water habit, pour glasses of water when you set the table, and set out a carafe for easy refills. Get in the habit of carrying a portable water bottle with you throughout the day. Whenever you would ordinarily reach for another drink, pour water instead. Drink water whenever you’re thirsty and after activity that makes you sweat.

Tip: “I drop a flavored white- or green-tea bag, like mandarin orange, into my water bottle as a quick, amazing-tasting alternative to hot brewed tea,” Reardon says. “You get the antioxidant benefits of tea without the additives, calories, or artificial flavorings of mixes like Propel or Crystal Lite.” The polyphenols in green tea also have mild metabolism-boosting properties.

3. Sample an alternative whole grain once a week.
Why? Whole grains are a critical part of a plant-based diet because they provide essential B vitamins and fiber. But Americans tend to be overly dependent on simple grains, usually white wheat, as well as white rice and white potatoes. “We tend to fall into habits and serve what our mothers did, but there’s a huge world of whole grain variety out there,” Reardon says.

Greater grain variety exposes the body to more nutrients and makes it easier to hit the targeted 45 grams per day of fiber adults need. (Most Americans eat an anemic 15 grams a day.) Another potential plus to weaning from wheat: undiagnosed celiac disease, a wheat intolerance caused by the body’s inability to absorb gluten. The rates of celiac disease have increased 400 percent since the 1950s, according to a 2009 Mayo Clinic study in the journal Gastroenterology. And for every case diagnosed, there are thought to be 30 others not yet detected.

How? Start once a week by swapping out your usual white potatoes, white rice, or white bread with a serving of a new-to-you wheat alternative. Quinoa (pronounced “keen-wa,” it cooks like rice), for example, contains up to 50 percent more protein than other grains, as well as higher fat, calcium, and B vitamins. Other options include millet, barley, spelt, amaranth, wheat berries, buckwheat, and wild rice. Even food superstores, like Target, often now stock these wheat alternatives.

Tip: If you’re nervous about cooking an unfamiliar grain, look for semiprepared mixes or ready-made dishes. (Reardon’s local Whole Foods sells a quinoa mixed with pumpkin, pomegranate, and pine nuts, for example.) “Packaged mixes are higher in sodium but a good alternative if you’re paralyzed by fear of failure,” she says.

source: care2

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