How to keep your spirits up during job hunt

job hunt
In today's job market, it's not unusual for job seekers to spend several weeks, months or even a year or more looking for work.

During that time, it is also common for job seekers to experience stress, exhaustion and frustration, say career consultants Diane Crompton and Ellen Sautter.

"The rigors of job searching can challenge even the most upbeat, energetic professional," they explain. "To have the staying power and resilience you'll need to succeed in your search, you need to maintain your emotional, mental and physical health."

* Run each morning or pick another form of exercise you will stick with. Getting regular exercise releases endorphins and helps you get through the challenges of the job search.

* Stay away from or limit your time with negative people.

They can zap your energy and make it harder for you to stay positive.

* Be OK with asking others for help. Job searching is humbling, even for the most qualified professionals. Allowing others to assist you could make a big difference in your emotional support.

Diane Crompton and Ellen Sautter are career management consultants and have nearly 40 years of combined experience in the career transition industry.

source: nbbusinessjournal.canadaeast

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