Diet Choice Can Be Affected by Tiredness

According to the new research which was reported by Siski Green, fried eggs and bacon, also pancakes or chocolate-covered doughnuts or whatever breakfast meal you are in, you will be more into it if one has a goodnight sleep.

The New research from Harvard Medical School and McLean Hospital, in the US, they pointed out that the brain changes its response to the food when the body is exhausted or the person is tired. Researchers scanned the brain of 12 healthy men and women that used magnetic resonance imaging, and it shows images of high calorie foods as well as low cal-foods and non image foods like rock and plants.

The researchers asked the participants to complete the questionnaire that were able to assess the level of sleepiness. The participants have a score on the Epworth Sleepiness Scale, which assessed the likelihood of the sleep of the individual while doing a restful activity like sitting and watching television.

“What they found was that a self-reported feeling of drowsiness was linked to a reduction in responsiveness in inhibitory brain regions. This was noticeable when individuals were shown images of highly appetising foods, where usually there would be more activity. This has implications for obesity management because clearly a lack of sleep could hinder an individual’s desire, or need, to stick to a healthy diet".

To have a good night sleep, it is recommended to reduce the temperature, like 16 degrees C, using of ear plugs, get black-out blinds, and exercise at day.

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