Top 3 Steps To Good Body Posture

good body posture
Poor posture can also leads to muscle fatigue, strain, and lower back pain, all well-known drainers of every kind of energy and vitality on the planet.

If you want a little extra motivation for taking a posture inventory, consider this: When your back is hunched, your head is thrust forward and your abs protrude. Let’s just put it this way: Attractive it’s not. When you body is aligned properly, you look thinner, younger, and more confident.

Bad posture can also be the first sign that something in your body is badly misaligned, which can lead to a whole host of energy drains.


Step 1. Awareness. Each time you hear the ding of an email, or your phone rings, do a posture check.

Step 2. Move. Don’t stay in any one position for very long. Stand up while waiting for a Web page to load, and take frequent breaks to walk or stretch.

Step 3
. Exercise for posture improvement. Here are five seated or standing posture-strengthening moves to work into your workday.

Polish the Air

• Sit up straight with your elbows at your sides and bent to 90 degrees, with your palms facing the floor.

• Squeeze your shoulders together without raising them.

• While keeping your elbows at your side, move your hands as though polishing furniture.

• Do this for twenty seconds. Repeat four times.

Tighten Up
• Sit with your back supported against the back of a chair.

• Tighten your abdominal muscles as though you expect to be punched.

• Press your fingers into your abdomen and tighten your abs even ore to resist the pressure of your fingers.

• Keep breathing throughout the exercise.

• Hold for fifteen seconds. Repeat five times.

Make Wall Angles
• Stand against the wall with our feet shoulder-width apart, and your weight evenly distributed.

• Gently press your lower back against the wall.

• Place the back of your elbows, forearms, and wrists against the wall.

• While keeping your elbows in contact with the wall, slowly move your arms up and down in a small arc as though making snow angles against the wall.

• Do this ten times.

Slide Down the Wall
• Stand with your buttocks and back against a wall, with your weight evenly distributed and your arms by your side,

• Keeping your back against the wall, bring your feet out about 12 inches from the wall.

• Keeping your abs tight, lower your body until your knees are bent to about 60 degrees.

• Raise yourself back up to where your knees are slightly bent.

• Do three sets of ten reps.

Sit and Stand
• Sit at the edge of a chair with your feet slightly behind your knees.

• Stand up while keeping your neck and spine erect. Your back should not bend forward.

• Immediately return to a sitting position, but don’t put your full weight on the chair.

• Do three sets of ten reps slowly.

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