Coronary Heart Disease – Omega-3 Effective in Reducing

A recent meta-analysis published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that a minimum of 250 mg of Omega-3 EPA and DHA found in fish is required to reduce the risk of some coronary heart diseases.

Researchers found that 250 mg of EPA/DHA was associated with a 35 percent reduction in the risk of sudden cardiac death. Researchers also found a 16 percent decrease of non-fatal coronary events.

Statistics published by the American Heart Association (AHA) show that coronary heart disease (CHD) is the single leading cause of death in America with 425,425 deaths in the United States in 2006, and 1,255,000 new and recurrent coronary attacks per year. AHA also states that about 34 percent of people that experience a coronary attack in a given year die from it.

Co-author of the paper, Harry Rice, PhD, VP of Regulatory & Scientific Affairs for Global Organization for Omega-3 EPA/DHA (GOED) told NutraIngredients-USA that the results “Suggest that 250mg/day EPA and DHA should be considered a minimum, not an optimum, level of consumption.”

Rice continued “What is really novel about this meta-analysis is that the data used were from subjects previously free of known coronary heart disease; thus, the positive results provide further evidence of the need for establishing a dietary reference intake (DRI) for the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids.”

Jon Getzinger, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer, Ocean Nutrition Canada Limited said “As a co-sponsor of this study we felt this meta-analysis was important to confirm the need for supplementation of Omega-3 EPA/DHA. These nutrients are essential to overall good health, and it has been proven in study after study to have heart health benefits.”

Jon Getzinger continued “The AHA estimates that in 2009 the cost of cardiovascular disease and stroke in the United States was $475.3 billion. We hope that studies like this will convince regulatory authorities world-wide that there is a need to recommend intake levels to ensure the general population understands the need for these essential nutrients, and the amounts that should be part of a daily healthy diet.

source: starglobaltribune

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