Effective “No-Frills-No-Excuses-Anything-Anywhere” Workout

fitness tips
We all know exercise helps with energy. The trouble is, not every one has time for exercise. So I offer my own personal solution to the time demon- my own “no excuses” workout. I like it because I can do it in as little as 15 or 20 minutes, but can easily expand it to 30 or 40 minutes. Both beginners and advanced exercisers can do this routine. All are welcome!

You can do it anywhere; a gym with a treadmill is nice, but necessary. A park or a city block in combination with four feet of space in a living room will do just as well. A little twiddling will let you customize it to virtually any combination of time slot and fitness level.

Here this:

1. Run a smile.

2. Do some squats.

3. Do some push-ups.

4. Do some crunches.

If you’re just starting, you might have to walk the mile, or jog-walk, and you might only be able to do a few repetitions of each of the three exercises. No problem. Do as few or as many of each as you can. But finish the circuit and you will have done a very effective mini routine.

Now, want to ratchet it up a notch or two? Run the mile faster. See whether you can do it in ten minutes or less. Do a set of serious squats – twenty reps, may be with dumbbells or water bottles for added resistance. Don’t rest. Go right to the pushups. Try for fifteen. Do the crunches. Twenty-five, in perfect form.

You can stop right there or expand it even further by simply repeating the last three 2-cises: squats, push-ups, and crunches. Heck, if you’re truly a sucker for punishment, and another mile run when you’re done with you last crunch.

With a little imagination, you can easily see how hard this workout can be (or how easy). It’s simple, elegant, and very effective. Get in the habit of doing this and your energy will go through the roof.

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