I’ve always had a special place in my heart for chiropractors for three reasons.
First, I don’t like bullies. And, much like naturopaths, nutritionists, and even psychologists in the early twentieth century, chiropractors have always been bullied by mainstream medical organizations that consistently mounted mena-spiritied public relations efforts to marginalize them.
Second, chiropractors were our greatest ally. They helped our clients, they gave workshops to the trainers, and they seemed to have a profound understanding of the way the body worked as a whole. (I guess when you’re not allowed to prescribe medicine, you have to look a little deeper into the body’s natural healing abilities).
And third, because over the years I’ve come to know more than a few chiropractors who are on the cutting edge of nutritional therapies. Perhaps because their training is more holistic than that of conventional medical doctors, they are, as a profession, far more open to the role of nutrition, diet, and lifestyle, and they seem to intuitively connect the dots when it comes to energy, vitality, and physical health.
So believe me when I say that if you want you energy to go through the roof, you might want check in to having a chiropractic adjustment.
“Energy loss is first and foremost a sign of a malfunction of some system in the body”, my friend, holistic chiropractor Matthew Mannino, D.C., told me.
“If there’s a malfunction, energy now has to be used to sustain and maintain health and fight off disese”, Mannino continues. Even minor misalignments or distortions in the curvature of the neck or spine can create bigger demands on the muscles and physiology, resulting in lost energy, the says.
“You want the body to have to put out the lest amount of effort to keep the musculoskeletal structure in its place”, he told me. “When you move away from that effortless, natural balance, it can absolutely lead to people feeling tired all the time”.
Think about it. The nervous system is the master control system in the body, and it functions on electrical impulses. “The core of all health and healing is the transmission of electrical energy through the nervous system,” Mannino told me. “The nervous system is the link between spiritual man and physical man because it contains that force – electricity – that allows the cells, tissues, and organs to function properly”. If those nerve transmissions aren’t firing properly, bye-bye energy.
There’s also another component to all this that’s worth really thinking about. We know that what you think about affects your physiology. (Your heart speeds up when you watch a scary movie, even though you haven’t left your seat. The examples are endless). But according to Mannino – and I agree completely – this feedback loop can work both ways.
So if your physiology isn’t working right, if you have a subtle misalignment, your nerve impulses aren’t firing on all cylinders, you experience a slight irritation on a nerve or even some minor pain that you’re “putting up with”, it can profoundly affect your emotions, thoughts, and – most of all – your energy.
When I was a little kid, my mother used to take me to get my ears cleaned. I always thought my ears were fine, but after the doc did his little wax removal thing, I’d always be astonished at the difference in how clear and loud everything sounded. It was like opening up the musical bandwidth from deepest bass to highest treble.
A chiropractice adjustment is like that. You may think you’re operating at a sufficient energy level (just like I thought my hearing was fine), but get yourself an adjustment, get your body in alignment, and you’ll know what real energy can feel like. It’s pretty cool.
Out of Line and Out of Energy
Chiroprcatic deals with imbalances in the body that can lead to low energy, imbalances that are the result of structural misalignments. They call these basic structural misalignments subluxations. A subluxation is when one or more of the bones of the spine are out of place and create pressure or irritation on spinal nerves, the nerves that come out from between each of the bones in your spine. If there’s pressure or irritation on those nerves, they malfcuntion and interrupt signals traveling over the nerves to the rest of the body. If you interrupt those signals – or somehow interfere with their optimal transmission – it’s like driving your car on a road filled with huge potholes. You’ll get there, but the journey won’t be smooth and you won’t be traveling very fast.
A chiropractor can help using a tool called an adjustment, a hands-on technique that restores the body’s natural alignment and corrects subluxation. “An alignment ensures that you have the ideal nerve flow into the tissues and that you have optimal energy and well-being”, explains Mannino.
Another chiropractor, Lauren Nappen of Mechanicsville, Pennsylvania, puts it this way: “A chiropractice alignment is about connecting the brain to the body and the body to the brain, and letting the magic of life unfold around you. Life force pumps and flows ever more freely-ready, willing and able to move you toward well-being”.
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