What causes blockage of urine flow?

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) — also known as nodular hyperplasia, benign prostatic hypertrophy or benign enlargement of the prostate (BEP) — refers to the increase in size of the prostate in middle-aged and elderly men.

As the urethra (the tube carrying urine out of the bladder through the penis) travels through the prostate, enlargement of the prostate slows urine flow and when severe can totally block urine flow.


* Urinary hesitancy (delay in starting urine flow)
* Frequent urination
* Increased risk of urinary tract infections
* Urinary incontinence
* Urinary retention

The hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone) regulates prostate size and the ability of the valve controlling flow out of the urethra to relax and open.

In men, stress incontinence is common following prostate surgery.

Recommended Supplements

Zinc and vitamin A

Optimize zinc intake (15-25 mg a day) and vitamin A (2,000-5,000 units a day).

Amino acids

Take amino acids such as alanine, glycine and glutamic acid (1,000-2,000 mg a day).

Multi-nutrient powder

All of the above are present in high dose in a good multi-nutrient powder.

Saw palmetto

Saw palmetto 160 mg twice a day can be as effective, or more so, than medications after 6 weeks.

Take walks

Walking 2-3 hours a week was associated with a 25% decreased risk of BPH.


Proscar, Hytrin, and Flomax

Proscar, Hytrin, and Flomax are 3 common ones. Though not necessarily more effective than the natural remedies, they may work more quickly and may be combined with the natural therapies.

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