Natural Tips To Heal Chest Congestion

chest congestion
Chest congestion is the accumulation of excess fluid and mucus in the lungs. A person suffering from chest congestion may experience cough, chest pains and difficulty breathing. Severe chest congestion is audible and can be heard as a crackling in the chest.

Chest congestion can be caused by post-nasal drip, bronchitis or pneumonia. Treatment may require prescription drugs, over-the-counter medication and home remedies.

1. Boil two teaspoons of fennel seeds in a cup of water till the water is reduced to half cup. Strain and take a tablespoon of it twice a day.

2. Chew a betel leaf with five peppercorns and salt.

3. Make an infusion each of carom seeds powder and turmeric powder in a half a liter of water. Take a tablespoon of this with a teaspoon of honey.

4. Mix a teaspoon of camphor in half a cup of warm coconut oil. Apply on the chest.

5. Mix half a teaspoon of mustard powder with a teaspoon of honey. Eat this twice daily.

6. Apply the paste of powdered nutmeg and gingelly oil on the chest for instant relief.

7. Mix equal quantities of rice flour and mustard powder in warm water to form a watery mustard powder. Boil till thick. Spread on a clean piece of cloth, and foment the back and front of the chest.

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