Great Ideas For Natural Facial Mask

face health
Facial Mask

1. Make a mask that is ideal for sensitive skin as well as useful to rid eruptions like acne. Mix together almond, sandalwood, egg white, honey and yoghurt into a paste and apply on the face.

2. Milk cream mask is another great mask. With a few drops of lemon juice in raw milk, the mask brightens up dull, sallow and dry complexion. It is best to apply it half an hour before bath.

3. Beat the white of an egg until stuff. Add five tablespoon of yoghurt. Apply it on the face. Wipe clean with a soft towel dipped in hot water followed by dipping it in cold water. For oily skin, add a teaspoon of lemon juice. For a dry skin add a teaspoon of honey.

4. To make turmeric cleansing mask, combine one and half teaspoon of turmeric powder and lemon juice

5. For an oatmeal mask, mix one tablespoon of oatmeal with enough milk to make a paste. Beat a yolk and beat into a paste. You can substitute glycerin for yolk.

6. For a cleansing mask mix together equal quantities of oatmeal and cucumber juice

7. To prepare Fuller’s earth mask mix two tablespoon of fuller’s earth and three spoons of milk

8. Extract the juice of potato. Add Fuller’s earth to make a thick paste

9. Cucumber mixed with Fuller’s earth helps to clean dirt in the skin

10. Boiled and mashed turnips mixed with a little yoghurt is good for cleansing mask

11. Mashed strawberries have excellent cleansing properties.

12. Regular application ripe mashed papaya on the face leaves the skin clean, smooth

13. Carrot mask containing juice from half a carrot, and a quarter teaspoon honey is excellent for a sensitive skin as carrot has plenty of vitamin A

14. Avocado mask made of the pulp of a quarter avocados a beaten yolk and half a teaspoon of honey is perfect for dry skin.

15. Potato mask comprising one tablespoon raw grate potato and half teaspoon of curd is an ideal mask for dry skin

16. To make simple oatmeal, soak one and half tablespoon of oatmeal in a little milk for 15 minutes.

17. Cucumber mask made of half a cup of mashed cucumber the white of an egg and two teaspoon skimmed milk powder is ideal for a sluggish and tired face.

18. Beat an egg and one teaspoon honey for dry skin, and lemon juice instead of honey and oily skin

19. Prepare honey mask by combining one tablespoon each of Fuller’s earth and honey for combination skin.

20. Use parsley mask comprising one bunch of parsley leaves and one tablespoon honey gives elasticity to the skin

21. Honey and egg mask having an egg a teaspoon each of sesame oil and honey gives and elasticity to the skin

22. Make starch mask with one tablespoon of starch and water. Massage your face with little olive oil. Then apply mask and leave for 20 minutes

23. Honey face mask can be made with half a teaspoon each of honey and barley into which is added a frothy egg.

24. Make an egg nousse facial mask with an egg white, one teaspoon cream and a quarter of castor sugar all beaten well

25. To prepare all purpose masks, mix together a teaspoon of curd, lemon juice, carrot juice, and gelatin, two teaspoon of brewer’s yeast, and half teaspoon each of barley powder and olive oil. The fruit and vegetable juice supple minerals and vitamin, barley give protein, yeast stimulates blood flow, and curd cleanses the skin

26. Make an almond mask with four almonds soaked in water &grounded and mixed with two tablespoons of milk and one tablespoon of orange juice, and the contents of one vitamin A capsule.

Facial Packs

1. The cream of milk makes a good facial mask

2. Fuller’ earth pack is good for an oily, large pored skin

3 Make banana honey pack with half a banana and half a teaspoon of honey

4. Make a winter pack of one tablespoon of wheat germ mixed with olive oil to make paste


1. Dab some cucumber juice before applying foundation or powder. This will give a smooth effect to the nose

2. Tweeze the inner corners of the eyebrows to counteract the upturned shape of the nose

3. For a long nose, the hair of your eyebrows should be tweezed to forma line at a decided angle to the line of the nose

4. To offset a broad or puffy nose, apply darker shade of powder on both sides of the nose. Blend well with usual foundation


1. Ice wrapped in cotton wool, and rub gently on the face closes open pores.

2. Add a grain of camphor to beaten egg white. Mix well and spread this on the face then rinse well

3. The fresh juice of cucumber and honey are usually beneficial

4. Massage tomato pulp on the face to close open pores. Tomatoes have astringent and anti ten enzymes

5. Soak a cotton pad in buttermilk. Pat over face and allow drying. Rinse off.

6. Apricot with tomato pulp is an excellent pore shirker.

7. Equal quantities of tomato juice and buttermilk rubbed of the face shrinks the large pores.

8. Lettuce leave juice and a few drops of lemon juice make an excellent pore tighter

9. Soak five almonds for an hour. Grind and mix with a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply on the face. After 15 minutes rinse off with tepid water

10. Clean your face with warm water. Add two tablespoon of milk of magnesia, rinse off after 20 minutes, with tepid water then cold water.

11. Rub half a lemon over the entire face and allow it to dry. Wash off


1. Mix the juice of lemon with a little oatmeal or gram flour. Apply on the neck and leave for 15 minutes. Wash it off. This takes care of wrinkles and whitens the skin.

2. Mix together rose water, glycerin and egg white. Apply over neck. Allow to dry before rinsing off. This is an excellent for lined and wrinkled neck

3. To bleach and smoothen dry skins on the neck rub the pulp of an avocado with lemon juice.

4. Rub pure cucumber juice to bleach the neck

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