Health eating tips to live long & healthy

Be part of the crowd
Death rates are twice as high for the most socially isolated people compared with those with strong social ties, so your friends really can help you live longer.

The Peel-good factor
Adding more potassium to the diet can lower blood pressure, while a diet deprived of potassium can actually raise blood pressure. Eating one banana per day provides the extra 400mg of potassium needed to slash the odds of suffering a fatal stroke by 40%.

Give yourself a raw deal
According to studies, if you don’t consume fruit daily, you risk of stomach cancer doubles or even triples, and raw is best. Munch on raw fruit and vegetables.

Wear a copper
Copper is an essential supplement for reducing g age-related disintegration of body tissues and it is a non-allergenic material. Many people, particularly arthritis suffers, wear copper bracelets for the absorption of the mineral into the skin.

Have a hearty dose of onion
Consuming half an onion a day, or the equivalent in juice raises HDL (good) cholesterol by an average of 30% in most people with heart disease or cholesterol problems, extending life expectancy and boosting health.

Curiosity keeps the cat alive
The more curious you are, the more likely you are to live longer, say scientists who found that curious people were 30% less likely to die than people who weren’t.

Oh for Okinawa
Okinawans live longer than any other race on earth. Their secrets include eating lots of soya products, stopping eating before they are completely full and daily exercise.

Be Optimistic
Optimistic live about 20% longer than pessimists, so making yourself believe that the glass is half full rather than half empty really could enhance your health.

Rest assured
Rest is as important as exercise in helping your body stay healthy for longer. Regular exercise along with daily relaxation and at least one rest day a week may add years to the life span.

Make each meal smaller
People who attend religious ceremonies regularly are likely to live significantly longer than their non-religious friends so maybe it’s time to rediscover old beliefs.

Go back to your roots
People who behave as if they’re younger live longer and age less quickly. You don’t need to dress in the clothes you wore as a teenager, just revive a few of the things you liked doing when young.

Pine for your youth
Pine bark extract (pycnogenol) and grape-seed extract contain powerful antioxidants that can help your body counteract the damaging signs of ageing.

Say Om to beat ageing
Meditation reduces stress, which is one of the major causes of the ageing process, and taking up yoga and other meditative techniques in old age has been shown to enhance quality of life.

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