Home Remedies for Cuts and Bruises

1. Soak a cotton wad in iodine and dab lightly on the injured area.

2. A small piece of the alum stops the flow of blood from a cut.

3. Apply the juice of basil leaves and apply on the cut.

4. Crush a betel leaf with lemon juice and apply on the cut.

5. Application of coffee powder on a profusely bleeding cut stops the blood flow at

6. Press a little turmeric powder an antiseptic on the cut.

7. If a glass piece or wooden splinter gets embedded in your skin or cut, apply a layer of fevicol. When it dries and become transparent, peel of the layer carefully. The embedded piece will come out whole.

8. Dab the milky sap from the leaf of peepal tree on a cut to cure it soon.

9. Put sugar on your bleeding finger or lip to stop bleeding.

10. A cotton swab dipped in brandy acts as an antiseptic.

11. All kinds of cuts can be cured by application of honey.

12. Place a sliced onion a bruise, but not on broken skin.

13. Grind peepal leaves with a little jaggery and apply on bruises to reduce pain.

14. Saffron can be used as a dressing for bruises.

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