Practice the Power of Positive Exercise

Patricia Moreno is six feet tall (183 cm) and gorgeous.

When I first started as a personal trainer in 1990, Patricia was the most sought-after aerobics teacher in New York City. Aerobic instructors were the star of the booming fitness industry of the 80s, which made Patricia a true superstar among stars. (We’re talking about an era when “no pain, no gain” was the mantra, low-fat diets were all the rage, and “step” was a noun).

Whenever and wherever her classes were held, the hallways would be packed with spandexclad aerobicizers jockeying for a place in the class. Other teachers would typically have fifteen to twenty-five people in attendance. Patricia would have 100 (or whatever the legal capacity of the room was). She was, as they say in Hollywood, “a big draw”.

She was that good. Still is.

And she had more energy than any human on the face of the earth.

She’s no longer teaching aerobics, but her packed intenSati classes-part yoga, part life coaching – are taught throughout the country and offer movement with a message of self-awareness and empowerment.

She’s still six feet tall and gorgeous, has a “real woman” (i.e. curvy, not model-thin) body with minimum fat and a scary amount of muscular strength.

And she still has more energy than any human on the face of the earth.

Patricia – like me – is an optimist. She believes our natural state is one of energy, peace, and happiness, and even if we can’t achieve it al the item, it can always be the bull’s-eye we aim for.

“What depresses our whole energy and happiness is the way we’re thinking”. She told me.

Like many intuitive healers, Patricia believes energy exists on a vibrational continuum, with emotions such as anger, quilt, resentment, and fear on the lower end, while joy, peace, spirituality, generosity, and personal power exist on the higher end. When you’re out of sync, feeling depressed, pessimistic, and uncertain, it’s a good bet you’re hanging on the low end of the continuum.

When you’re in alignment with that higher energy, you know it. You feel fully alive, whole, and-well, energizes.

So how do you get on the high side of the energy continuum?

In Patricia’s classes, students shout positive, energetic affirmations while performing movements, that express strength, power, and courage. “You may not be able to hold on to the thought ‘I am strong’, for a full minute”, Patricia told me, “but you sure can repeat it vocally for a full minute, and if you repeat it while doing a movement – such as the motion of a bow and arrow – it’s enough to shift the belief or attitude that’s causing you low energy into the direction of high energy and personal empowerment”.

So, actions and words together pack a more powerful punch than thoughts do. In fact, used together in the way she recommends, they can change thoughts, especially the energy-draining kind.

You can try this at home, folks, Anything that gets you out and about in a quick, repetitive tempo can be the basis for reprogramming you brain and rebooting your energy circuits. First, get yourself in motion, and then, as you’re doing it, repeat a word or an affirmation: “I’m feeling happier now” works well. So does “I’m feeling energetic!”

Even when the words don’t describe how you actually feel, the mere act of saying the words as you move helps create the feeling of energy. You can dance, bike, walk, do jumping jacks, run- any repetitive motion that increases your heart rate will work. Speaking power phrases or affirmations, says Patricia, increases your oxygen uptake and helps program your brain, connecting the movement with the positive feeling.

Patricia suggests coupling the following energy-boosting affirmations with repetitive movement:

• All need is within me now.

• All the energy I need is within me now.

• All the strength I need is with me now.

• Al the love I need is within me now.

• All the courage I need is within me now.

• Every day in every way I’m better and better.

• Every day in every way I’m healthier and healthier.

• My body now restores itself to perfect weight and perfect health.

You may feel silly saying these out loud. I did, too, Doesn’t matter – no one’s listening. The point is, it works. And the negative voices in your head are going on about how this couldn’t possibly affect your energy, just ignore the little chatterboxes and do the exercise anyway.

“Building health and strength takes an attitude of courage”, say Patricia.
Remember, you’re aligning with your higher purpose. And who doesn’t feel energetic and on fire doing that?

By John

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