A cramp is a painful spasm, usually in one or more calf or foot muscles. The muscle becomes hard and knotted, and hurts if you try to move it. The pain usually lasts for only a few minutes. You may get cramp on waking up or after sitting or lying awkwardly. If you get it during exercise or strenuous work, it is usually due to overusing muscles, heat, dehydration, or salt and mineral loss. Swimmers can get cramp if they become cold and exhausted.
Calf stretching exercise Try this exercise to relieve an attack of cramp and as a daily routine to prevent further episodes. Do it before and after using your leg muscles for long periods and before going to bed if you are prone to leg cramps at night.
* Stand about and arm’s length from a wall with one leg in front of the other and your hands flat against the wall at shoulder height.
* Keeping your feet flat on the floor, lean forwards, bending the front knee and pressing the rear heel into the ground. You will feel the calf muscle of the rear leg stretch. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.
Arrange to see your doctor if:
* Cramps are not relieved by these measures, or they become more severe or frequent
What you can do yourself
Although a cramp will subside on its own, the steps below will help to minimize discomfort.
* If you get cramp during exercise, stop. Gently massage the muscle. If the spasm is in your calf, stretch it. Pull your towards you knee, letting your ankle bend. Hold until the muscle relaxes.
* If the cramp occurs while you are in bed, get up and wiggle your foot or walk around. If it persists, try stretching the muscle as above.
* Try heat, particularly for cramp due to swimming. Take a warm bath or shower, then wrap a warm towel around the muscle. Put on warm clothing or cover your leg with a blanket afterwards. For cramp caused by overuse, try an ice pack. Wrap a bag of frozen peas or crushed ice in a wet towel, and hold it on the muscle for10 minutes.
Avoiding cramp If you are prone to cramp, the following measures may help to prevent attacks.
* Drinks 8 glasses of water a day. Have 1-2 glasses 2 hours before any exercise; 1/2 -1 glass every 15-20 minutes during exercise; and plenty of fluid afterwards.
* Warm up thoroughly before you exercise, and ease off gradually afterwards. Stop when you need to rest.
* Do calf-stretching exercises to relieve and prevent cramp (see PRACTICAL).
* Eat foods rich in potassium, magnesium, and calcium, such as avocados, bananas, orange, milk dark-leaved vegetables, wholegrain foods, and nuts.
* Stop smoking; it contributes to the risk of cramp.
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