The disorder is also known as merely a Fit or else a 'hysteric Fit', Mal-de-Mer, hysterics, The disorder is generally confused with epilepsy, even if the symptoms are opposed to each other; hence compare symptoms of both the disroders and see, for yourself, whether there is any similarity, if at all, between the symptoms,
- Emotional disturbances.
- Improper modes of living pattern.
- Business reverses, losses, broken love affairs, worry, excitement over some happy or said news.
- Problems of unmarried females or who suffer as a consequence of pregnancy-related problems. Some physical or psychic trauma which in majority of cases is sexual.
- Time of puberty or menopause.
- Pregnancy in unmarried maids or even break of proposed marriage or still worse, fear of rejection by society.
- Religious excitement, religious mania, blind faith, social taboos and inhibitions.
Menstrual disorders, sexual incompetency, frigidity, sterility, nymphomania.
- Childhood memories of rape, coercion, sex abuse, incest, libidinal morbidity, lesbianism (though some of these are fairly new developments in our country, but not so in the Western World).
- Suppression of sexual urge and drive, resulting in late marriage.
-No doubt majority of patients belong to the fair sex but men could also suffer; hence the disorder must not be attributed to females alone.
(i) Appearance is not distorted but face is unchanged or flushed.
(ii) Patient sighs, sobs or laughs.
(iii) There is no froth on the lips, eyeballs fixed, no biting of tongue or grinding of teeth and pupils react readily to light.
(iv) Hysteria rarely occurs at night,
(v) Disease is attributed to uterine/menstrual disorders,
(vi) Globus hystericus.
(vii) Loss of consciousness is gradual and partial aft is quite apparent,
(viii) Paroxysm are longer (as compared to those of epilepsy). The patient is wakeful and exhibits depressed spirits.
(ix) There is presence of 'Aura' (Forewarning signal)
90% of the cases respond favorably to Ignatia and there is hardly any need to look for any other remedy. Other medicines which may be tried, if Ignatia fails or doesn't show expected results, are Moschus, Nux Vomica, Moscus, Aconite, Sepia, Belladonna, Cemicifuga, Aurum, Lachesis, Pulsatilla, Valerian, Platina, Stramonium, Gelsemium. Symptoms are spread over repeatedly in other chapters like 'Spinal Paralysis, Neuralgia, which may be referred to once again. Most of the other symptoms, not covered by Ignatia, will be cured through the remedies, given above, in italics.
Auxiliary measures: Until and unless the physician motivates/induces, the patient to lay open the main crux of problem, no medicine can be expected to do wonders. The doctor should confide in the patient, or at least look to be, her friend and also assure her that she can disclose all her inhibitions, dormant feelings, mental reservations, and that the revelations wouldn't be divulged to anyone, she may come out with truthful facts. The patient shouldn't mix up with other hysterical subjects.
Build up her general health by nutritious diet, provide congenial and healthy environs, avoid situations that cause excitement and mental agitation. Effort should be made that the patient doesn't dwell upon the disease and is kept fully busy and engaged. Have love, affection, sympathy and care for her. Avoid harsh, rough, offending and taunting remarks.
Let her inhale pure and fresh air, live in fully ventilated rooms or retire temporarily to serene place but in green, serene and hassle-free areas. In more advance and seemingly incorrigible cases, electric treatment may be tried with great benefit. Read also description under 'Chorea', 'Epilepsy' and 'hystero-epilepsy' catalepsy is totally a different disorder which must not be confused with the said disorders.
It is reiterated, that nervous, menstrual and sexual upsets are the contributory factors in causing hysteria, hence try to locate the basic cause and treat the same accordingly. You have to be patient and persevering to get quicker and better resutls.
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