Health Benefits of Belleric Myroblan

Belleric Myroblan

Belleric myroblan is a large tree, often with buttresses, It has large leaves, 10 to 25 cm long, clustered near ends of branches small pale green foul-smelling flowers in simple spikes and egg shaped, brownish long fruits densely covered with hair. The word Belleric is taken from the scientific name which distinguishes this myroblan from the older one, that is, cherubic myroblan, (hasrad). The dried fruits of the tree constitute the drug| bahera. The trade name bahera is based on the Indian name of the tree.

This tree is indigenous to India, It occurs almost throughout" the country up to about 1,000 meters excepting the dry regions of Western India. It is more common in mixed deciduous forests. The herb contains substantial amounts of tannin substances.

Healing Power

The herb is bitter in taste. It is a tonic and a laxative and arrests secretion or bleeding. It is also useful in reducing fevers. The bahera fruit is one of the three constituents of the famous Indian preparation triphala, the other two being embelica myroblan (amla) and chebulic myroblan (harad).

Belleric myroblan is a household remedy for cough. a mixture of pulp of the fruit, salt, long pepper, and honey is administered in the treatment of cough. The fried fruit covered with wheat flour and roasted, is another popular remedy for cough and catarrh.

Stomach Disorders
The herb is extremely useful in stomach disorders such as indigestion and diarrhoea. A decoction or infusion of 1 to 3 grams of the pulp of the fruit should be administered in these disorders.

Sore Throat
The same mixture as for cough treatment is also a useful remedy for sore throat and hoarseness of voice. The fried fruit is another remedy for treating sore throat. It should be given in the same manner as for cough.

Chronic Constipation
The half ripe fruit is considered useful as a purgative it can be used beneficially in the treatment of chronic constipation. However, the ripe and dried fruit has the opposite property.

Intestinal Worms

Belleric myroblan, mixed with the seeds of butea (palash) very effective anthelmintic. It should be taken in doses of one teaspoon thrice a day. It helps remove all intestinal parasites.

Eye Disorders
The herb can be applied on die eyes as a soothing lotion; Its fine powder can be used beneficially in epiphora that is watering of the eyes, in which tears flow onto the cheeks due to abnormality of the tear drainage system.

Other Diseases
Belleric myroblan can be used with gratifying result as a brain tonic. It is also useful in leprosy, piles, dropsy and fever.