Prevent Athlete’s Foot and Jock Itch

These are common fungal infections. Athlete’s foot affects the skin between the toes, making it cracked, sore, and itchy with peeling areas. It may spread to the soles and toenails. Jock itch is an itchy, scaly, red rash in the groin, more common in men. Both infections thrive in warm, sweaty conditions. You can catch them from contact with an infected person or sharing items such as towels and footwear.

Powder spray
Apply the powder after washing and drying your feet carefully. Spray generously, paying particular attention to areas between the toes.
Seek medical advice

Arrange to see your doctor if:
* The affected area becomes hot and red, or starts weeping.
* The infection does not clear up after you have tried self-help treatment.

What you can do yourself
Both infections are easy to treat yourself. Keep using the good hygiene practices outlined below to help prevent fungal infections recurring.

Athlete’s foot
* Treat the infection with an antifungal cream and/or powder (see DRUG REMEDIES below)
* Wash your feet twice daily, making sure you dry thoroughly between your toes afterwards. Use a separate towel just for drying your feet, and launder the towel frequently.
* Wear socks made from natural fibres and change them at least once a day. Women should avoid wearing tights and stockings, especially those that cramp the feet.
* Wear well-ventilated shoes made from natural rather than synthetic materials; open-toed sandals are particularly good.
* Wear flip-flops when walking around communal changing areas, such as at swimming baths.

Antifungal drugs, such as clotrimazole, miconazole, or terbinafine, are used to treat athlete’s foot and jock itch. They are available as a cream or a fine powder spray (which is usually easier to apply) and should be applied as directed. The infection should start to clear up within a week, although it may take several weeks longer to disappear completely. To help treat athlete’s foot, you can also dust inside your shoes and socks with an antifungal foot powder.

Jock itch

* Apply an antifungal treatment to the infected area.
* Wash your groin regularly, drying it thoroughly but avoiding chafing. Use a separate towel to dry this area, and launder the towel frequently.
* Don’t wear tight-fitting trousers or underwear, or underwear made from synthetic fabrics. Cotton pants or boxer shorts are best. Change them daily.