Sexual debility: Most effective natural tips

Sexual debility

Sex is the ultimate human experience it is nature's gift to us, if you're good at sex there's absolutely nothing like it. With great sex you will be able to have a healthy relationship it nourishes the bonding between mates and even outside the relationship you will feel better about yourself and you'll become more confident and naturally attractive. And if your weak in sex it can be truly terrible, This simple effect can lead to anxiety, you will loose your self-confidence and go into depression and incapable of enjoying truly fulfilling relationship with a women.

1. Drink an infusion of ground fenugreek seeds mixed with one cup of water

2. Eat a teaspoon of onion seeds thrice a day

3. Take at night a semi boiled egg with a half a teaspoon of ginger juice and honey

4. Take a quarter teaspoon of nutmeg with honey and a half a boiled egg an hour beofre going to bed

5. Drink a cup of milk mixed with half a teaspoon of pepper powder and eight almonds

6. Take milk with saffron twice daily

7. Eat gingelly with jaggery

8. Take three teaspoons of dry pomegranate seeds with milk

9. Take roasted cumin seeds with honey

10. Pound and mix equal quantities of dates, almonds, pistachios and quince seeds. 100 grams of this mixture, consumed on a daily basis, is said to increase sexual power.