Gentian is robust herb full of health benefits

Gentian is robust annual herb, known as Chirayata in India which grows up to about 1.5 meters in height. It has leaves in opposite pairs about 10 cm long, without stalks, pointed at the tip. The plant has numerous flowers, pale green in color, tinged with purple, with long white or pink hairs and minute sharp pointed fruits. The whole plant, collected in its flowering stage and dried, constitutes the drug. The trade name chirayata is based on the local name of the plant. It has long been used by the ayurvedic physicians as a bitter tonic.

The plant contains a bitter glycoside chiratin, which yield on hydrolysis, two bitter principle, ophelic acid and chiratin. The latter is soluble in water. The ophelic acid is a brown hydroscopic substance which is soluble in water and alcohol. It also contains reins, tannin and 4 to 8 per cent of ash.

Healing Power
Chirayata is a valuable bitter tonic. It is laxative and an appetizer. It also corrects the disordered process of nutrition and restores the normal function of the system.

Chirayata is an effective drug for reducing fevers. It is especially beneficial in the treatment of malarial and dengue fevers. It is also effective in hysteria and convulsions.

Stomach Disorders
The herb is an excellent drug for strengthening the stomach and promoting its action and is used in killing intestinal worms. An infusion of the herb is taken for this purpose.

General debility
It serves as an effective tonic in case of general weakness and during convalescence. The infusion of the plant can be taken in doses of 60 ml or 4 tablespoon twice a day, before meals.

Preparations and doses: The herb is used in the form of an infusion or tincture. The infusion is prepared in hot water with aromatics like cloves and cinnamon. It is generally taken in doses of 15 to 30 ml or 1 to 2 tablespoons.
Other Uses

The root of the plant is useful in checking hiccups and vomiting. It is taken in doses of 0.5 to 2 grams with honey.