Snake gourd herb helps in treatment of heart disorders and other diseases
Snake gourd is a climbing herb with tendril divided into three parts. It has hairy, angular or 5 to 7 lobed leaves which emit a fetid odor when bruised. It has white male and female flowers and cylindrical, slender, tapering fruits with a waxy surface. Its fruits are orange in color when ripe and pulpy red at maturity.
An analysis of snake gourd shows it to consist of substantial amount of and little protein, fat fiber and carbohydrates. Its mineral and vitamins contents are calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, little thiamine, riboflavin and niacin. Its calorific value is 18.
Healing Power and Curative Properties
The plant is a cardiac tonic and antiferbile, that is, counteracts feverishness. It is useful in restoring the disordered processes of nutrition. It creates a cooling effect in the body. Being a low calorie food, diabetes can safely include it to reduce weight getting nutrition. Its leaves are used in indigenous medicine in India.
Heart Disorders
The juice of fresh leaves is useful in heart disorders like palpitation and pain in the heart on physical exertion. It should be taken in doses of 1 or 2 tablespoons thrice daily.
Infusion of the leaves is beneficial in the treatment of jaundice if given 30 to 60 grams doses with a decoction of coriander seeds thrice daily.
A decoction of snake gourd is useful in bilious fevers, as a febrifuge or thirst reliever and laxative. Its efficacy increases provided it is given with chiratta and honey. In obstinate cases of fevers, a combined infusion of this plant and coriander is more beneficial. About 30 grams of each should be infused in water overnight. The strained liquid should be given in two doses the next day. A decoction of the leaves with the addition of coriander is also useful in bilious fever. The leaf juice is used to induce vomiting. The latter is also applied locally as a liniment in cases of liver congestion. In remit-tent fevers it is applied over the whole body.
The leaf juice is beneficial in the treatment of alopecia, a disease of the scalp resulting in complete or partial baldness.
Precaution: the ripe fruit and its seeds are laxative and may cause indigestion and should not be consumed as food.
Other Uses
Purgative: Its roots serve as purgative and tonic. Whereas its juice is a strong purgative an infusion of the dried fruit is a mild purgative. It also aids indigestion. Its leaves are useful as an emetic and purgative in children suffering from constipation. A teaspoon of fresh juice can be given early in the morning for the ailing children.
The immature fruits can be boiled and eaten as vegetable.