Handy Diet Tips For Diabetic

As a diabetic, you need to pay constant attention to your eating habits, nutrition and sugar levels. You should also keep in regular contact with your doctor or medical supervisor, in case your condition changes. In addition, you may find it useful to follow the following guidelines.

1. Follow a Low-Fat, Healthy Carb Diet With Modest Amounts of Protein
Anne Collins Weight Loss Program is a very good choice.

2. Make Complex Carbohydrates a Regular Part of Your Diet
Carbohydrates can be divided into two types:

Simple Carbohydrates
These include: ingredients like sucrose, glucose or fructose, or foods like sweets, candies, cakes, sweet drinks, jams.

Simple carbohydrates are rapidly absorbed and digested.
Result? They cause a sudden surge of sugar in your bloodstream which can cause problems. So they should be avoided altogether, or eaten in very small quantities.

Complex Carbohydrates (inc. fiber)
Also called starches, these include: whole wheat or wholegrain bread, whole wheat pasta, brown rice, beans, oats, most vegetables and fruits.

Complex carbohydrates are slowly absorbed and digested.
Result? They help to keep our sugar levels relatively stable.

Note: If a small amount of simple carbohydrate (e.g. jam/preserve) is eaten and absorbed with a quantity of complex carbohydrate (e.g. wholemeal bread), the sugar in the simple carbohydrate will be absorbed more slowly.

3. Drink Alcohol in Moderation
Ideally avoid it altogether. Alcohol behaves like a simple carbohydrate and can quickly destabilize your sugar-levels. If you can't avoid it, drink ONLY in moderation and NEVER on an empty stomach.

4. Learn About Nutrition
Managing diabetes requires daily discipline.
By following a proper diet, you will make things a lot easier for yourself.

For the sake of your long term health, you must not delegate the planning of your diet to someone else. You must take an active role.

The only way to do this, is to find out as much as you can about healthy eating for diabetics. Consult your doctor or dietician. Visit your local library or bookshop. Search the Internet for information.

5. Follow a Regular Exercise Plan
Exercise is particularly important for diabetics, as it helps to regulate blood sugar levels. If you do not take regular exercise, I strongly urge you to consult your doctor for advice about exactly how much exercise you need and when you should take it.

6. Follow a Regular Daily Schedule
Try to follow a regular eating and exercise routine. Have meals and snacks at similar times each day. Exercise at similar times each day. This helps to promote more stable blood-sugar levels.

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